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For answers to commonly asked Buzzlegum questions, see below.
Animal:Bumble Bee
Base value:1000 coins
Attack:hexagon shaped honeycomb pieces
The Buzzlegum's house looks like an ordinary beehive.
Housing cost:550 coins
Romance dance
Wildcard Buzzlegum
Unique Trait: Ears

Animbassadors: Queen Beatrice, Max

A Buzzlegum is a simple pinata. 2 buttercups makes this buzzing buddy appear, 4 to visit, and 6 to stay as a resident. To romance dance them, feed the Buzzlegum 2 of any pieces of fruit.

Bees! Can't abide 'em. Thankfully the Pinata Island variety seems easy-going, churning out prized honey for anyone who offers the right incentives. Not to say they can't still sting. To retrieve this precious substance, buy a Honey Hive from Willy Builder. Send a Buzzlegum to it to make honey. But before you can get more honey, you must refuel the bee by having it snack on a daisy. To bypass the daisy step, equip the it with a Beekeeper Hat accessory to get them to automatically produce honey.

The friendly buzz of the hard working Buzzlegums should be a welcome sound in a garden. Of course you have to keep them happy or they may start using their sting, but with patience you can get them to make delicious honey.


Appear requirements

Visit requirements

Resident requirements

Romance requirements

  • Has eaten any 2 pieces of fruit
  • There is a Buzzlegum house in the garden

Species variants

Species variants for the Buzzlegum

Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to bright pink.
Feeding it a gem tree seed changes its color to purple/white.
Feeding it a venus pinata trap flower changes its color to orange.

Buzzlegum uses

  • Eating 1 Buzzlegum helps meet the Dragumfly Romance requirements.
  • Eating 2 Buzzlegums helps meet the Arocknid Romance requirements.

Species conflicts

  • The Buzzlegum will start fights with a Raisant, if one is nearby.

Honey production

The Buzzlegum can produce honey. Simply buy a Honey Hive from Willy Builder, then send your Buzzleguminto it. When your honey has been made, you need to feed the Buzzlegum a Daisy to prepare it to make honey again. The Beekeeper Hat accessory effect prompts your Buzzlegum to produce honey automatically.

Commonly asked questions
How do I get the Buzzlegums to make honey?

Make sure you've bought a Honey Hive from Willy Builder -- it's in the Special Buildings section, and isn't the same building as the Buzzlegum house. Once a Buzzlegum is ready to produce honey, direct your Buzzlegum into it. After it's been through the Honey Hive, direct it to a Daisy to prepare it to make honey again.

Buying a Beekeeper Hat accessory for your Buzzlegum will automate the honey production process. View thread

Do buzzlegums make honey? I direct the bees to the Honey Hive but the Honey Hive doors won't open?

There are a few reasons why this may happen:

  • Your garden is full of produce. Sell some to make room for more.
  • The Buzzlegum isn't ready to produce honey. Direct it to a daisy.
  • The Honey Hive needs plenty of room around it -- it has both front and back doors, and if either door is blocked, the Buzzlegums won't enter.

View thread