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'''Appearances in''': [[Wild Horstachios]]
'''Appearances in''': [[Wild Horstachios]], [[Hudson's Holiday]]
'''Bernardo''' is an Italian director of the commercial [[Hudson]] is in on '''Wild Horstachios'''.
'''Bernardo''' is an Italian director of the commercial [[Hudson]] is in on '''Wild Horstachios'''.

Revision as of 09:09, 28 October 2007

Arocknid Baker


Appearances in: My Pal Langston

Sells Langston's favorite kind of food, Taffly Muffins.

Arocknid (Unnamed)


Appearances in: Mouse Flap

This Arocknid is the caretaker of Pinata Island's Tutie Fruity Jellybean watering hole. He also doesn't care much for Monty Mousemallow's antics.

Quotes- "Suit yourself, but I don't know if you can handle, THE BUBBLE MACHINE!"

Barkbark (Unnamed)


Appearances in: The Great Gob Rush, Twingersnapped!, Between a Flock and a Hard Place and Pester the Pinata

This barkbark corrals goobaas to make sure they don't cause havoc and helped the gang find Fergy by smell when he was missing in The Great Gob Rush

Beatrice Buzzlegum


Appearances in: Queen for a Day.

Queen Beatrice is the leader of all the buzzlegums in Buzzlegum Valley. She rules with an iron fist which causes all of her buzzlegums to leave. Franklin then helps her learn about being nice to others and she regains her horde of bees.

Bernardo Bunnycomb


Appearances in: Wild Horstachios, Hudson's Holiday

Bernardo is an Italian director of the commercial Hudson is in on Wild Horstachios.

Betty Bunnycomb


Appearances in: Confetti-itis, Mouse Flap and A Terrible Tribute

Betty is one of the bunnycombs Les and Franklin saw down at a beach on the episode Confetti-itis and was the only 3 of those bunnycombs that liked franklins shedding because she has a third ear thats tied down under her hair and knows how it feels to be different. She also wears glasses, as seen in A Terrible Tribute. She is the current love interest of Franklin.

Beverly Badgesicle


Appearances in: Hudson’s Biggest Fan, Hero, Pecky Pudgeon, Private Eye, High Plains Drafter

Hudson's biggest and craziest fan.

Boris Buzzenge


Appearances in: My Sweet Sours

Boris is the "Lair lord" of Broken arms evil startup lair-plex. He has the voice of several famous mad scientist assistants.

Voice: David Wills

Buzzenge (Unnamed)


Appearances in: Pecky Pudgeon, Private Eye

He is Pecky's boss. He reviews the pictures Pecky has taken and sees if they're good enough to be put in the Piñata Yada Yada. In the episode Pecky Pudgeon, Private Eye, he gave Pecky a new camera.

Cecil Cocoadile

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Appearances in: Cocoadile Tears, Whirlm with a Dream, Hero and The Pinatas Must Be Crazy.

Cecil's tears are used as fertilizer for Chortles' garden. Many have tried and failed to get Cecil to cry but apparently only Chortles' terrible jokes get him crying (from laughing).

Voice: Jessica DiCicco

Quotes- "You dropped your anvil"

Chortles Chippopatamus


Appearances in: Cocoadile Tears, The Great Gob Rush, Whirlm with a Dream, The Crush, The Pinatas Must Be Crazy, Pecky Pudgeon, Private Eye and Hudson’s Biggest Fan.

Chortles has a magnificent garden, but he won't stop cracking terrible jokes. The secret to his garden's success is Cecil Cocoadile's tears. His trick for getting Cecil to cry is by telling his lame jokes. Cecil laughs himself to tears.

Voice: Sean Schemmel

Quotes- "Roses are red, violets are blue. Some poems rhyme, but not this one!"

Cleo Candary


Appearances in: To Catch a Piñata.

Pinata Central's Big Boss assistant.



Appearances in: A Terrible Tribute

She is an Unknown Cryptid pinata who was Hudson's girlfriend in high school.

Dr. Quincy Quackberry


Appearances in: Piñatapartyphobia, Candibalism Franklingestion, Confetti-itis, Six Million Dollar Piñata, Mirror Schmirror andSnail's Pace

Some call him a quack, others swear he's a miracle worker, but no matter what you believe, Quincy Quackberry is the only psychologist in the garden. Quackberry is called upon to cure everything from Piñatapartyphobia to Confetti-itis, and the good doctor is more than willing to dive right in -- whether he's medically qualified or not! He's either the world's most accomplished piñata medical authority, or he's the world's greatest snake oil salesman. Whatever the truth is, take two gooseberries and call him in the morning!

Quotes- "The doctor is in!" "And this is the top off bin, where pinatas- fall on their face"

Dr. Sweetooth


Appearances in: Franklingestion.

Dr. Sweetooth is an extremely professional pinata doctor who has solved very unusual cases, like Franklin's vegetable problem (so called franklingestion)

Voice: Anthony Salerno

Quotes- "in the super secret... we have super duper professional doctors... and that guy."

Florence Fizzlybear


Appearances in: Franklin Can’t Dance

Florence is Franklin's crush and loves Franklin even after she finds out he isn't the greatest dancer in the world, as his friends claimed. Although Franklin falls in love with her he seems to now have an interest in Betty Bunnycomb, Florence hasn't returned in any other episodes known as of now.

Florence will appear in Viva Pinata: Party Animals.

Francine Fudgehog

Appearances in: My Little Fergy

Francine is Fergy's mother. She believes Fergy's stories that he's is the most popular party pinata on the island. She has an unusually deep voice for a female.

Francine will appear in Viva Pinata: Party Animals.

General Pengum


Appearances in: The Abominable Jeli

The leader of an army of Pengums, this piñata's dream is finally hitting Jerry Jeli with a snowball like his ancestors 600 years ago tried.

Gordon Goobaa


Appearances in: Between a Flock and a Hard Place

Fed up with the way Teddington treats him while grazing, Gordon desides to get his revenge, but sadly is thwarted in the end by the goobaa gathering Barkbark.

Hamilton Horstachio


Appearances in: Horstachio of a Different Color, The Pinatas Must Be Crazy, Pinatapartyphobia, Mirror Schmirror and High Plains Drafter

Hamilton is a boastful Horstachio, that for a short time, was the most popular pinata in the party circuit, due to his sneakiness in cancelling Hudson's bookings. However, after accidentally eating Mabel Moozipan's daisies and blackberries, he turned into a Zumbug, making him lose the Horstachio competition and his fame.

Voice: Sean Schemmel

Quotes- "Good eats, lots of sleep, and I'm telling ya'... i cant be beat..."

Harry the Wild Horstachio Leader

Appearances in: Wild Horstachios


This rough an' tough, Black n' white and western horstachio knows no fear and never "misses".

Henderson Horstachio


Appearances in: A Terrible Tribute

Henderson was a hot, young actor who Hudson looked up to.

Jerry Jeli


Appearances in: The Abominable Jeli

Jerry lives in the artic north and is nearly 600 years old. Likes to make Snowball Wars with Pengums. Fergy is the first one to ever hit Jerry.

King Roario


Appearances in: Royal Visit, Franklingestion and A Terrible Tribute

King Roario owns Pinata Island. He talks in a grating Scottish accent. He tricks Fergy into believing there is a Dragonache to be slain, but things change when one turns out to be real... King Roario played in the orchestra in highschool.

Kittyfloss (Unnamed)


Appearances in: Twingersnapped!, Six Million Dollar Piñata, High Plains Drafter, My Sweet Sours and A Terrible Tribute

This Kittyfloss hates the Goobaa herding Barkbark and has judged a contest with him in Twingersnapped!, to her dismay. She played in an orchestra in highschool.

Louis Leminee


Appearances in: Snow Place Like Home

Leader of about a hundred Leminee that inhabit the arctic section of Pinata Island. The Leminee always copy the pinata in the lead.

Mabel Moozipan


Appearances in: Horstachio of a Different Color, Queen for a Day, The Crush, Franklin Can’t Dance, Lights, Camera, Action! and The Great Gob Rush.

Mabel is very strict about how her garden is treated, and isn't afraid to put matters into her own hooves. She is a good friend of Florence Fizzlybear. Famous quotes include "Feel the wrath of my giant hoe!"

Marvin Mallowolf


Appearances in: High Plains Drafter

Marvin is a Masked Mallowolf cowboy and is known as "El Sketcho". Marvin enrolled in Art school to get revenge on Franklin for a Caricature he drew that hurt Marvin's feelings. He is a very fast and talented Caricaturist and uses his talent to hurt the feelings of Innocent Piñatas, until Franklin sets him straight. Marvin wears a cowboy hat with several gunshots in it and a red bandanna covers his face. When his bandanna is removed he has a clearly visible wart on his nose. Marvin is a Wildcard

Max Buzzlegum


Appearances in: Queen for a Day.

Queen Beatrice's crazy assistant.

Mongo Macaracoon


Appearances in: Mad Mongo, Pinatapartyphobia, The Piñatas Must Be Crazy and Hero

Nicknamed "Mad Mongo", he has a Jekyll and Hyde-like personality – you just never know when he’s going to explode! He's Fergy’s neighbour and the gang do whatever they can to avoid him. But circumstances often lead them to his door to request some sort of favor.

Voice: Darren Dunstan

Montague Mousemallow


Appearances in: Royal Visit

Montague Mousemallow is the servant of King Roario. He wears a hat and 'mouse-tache' akin to that of Zorro. He speaks in a loud voice, which drives Paulie mad.

Monty Mousemallow

Monty actually happy

Appearances in: Mouse Flap

Monty Mousemallow is a paranoid little piñata who always thinks that the other Piñatas are out to get him. When Franklin accidentally sits on him, Monty gets all riled up and wants to beat his Fizzlybear behind!

Quotes- "Don't patronize me!"

The Moozipan Dancers


Appearances in: Hudson on Hudson

The Moozipan Dancers are teen piñata dancers who dance in the show in Hudson on Hudson

Ned Newtgat


Appearances in: Mouse Flap

Ned is a depressed Newtgat who frequents the Tutie Fruity Jellybean bar for Unhappy Hour.

Parker Polollybear


Appearances in: Snow Place Like Home

Franklin Fizzlybear's Polollybear cousin. They both share the same "dude"ish talking style. Another similarity is where Franklin enjoys surfing, Parker enjoys snowboarding.

Quotes- "eh, Where else? The Cliff."

Pecky Pudgeon


Appearances in: Horstachio of a Different Color, Whirlm with a Dream, Legs, Mission: Impinatable,My Little Fergy, High Plains Drafter, Hero, Pecky Pudgeon, Private Eye, High Plains Drafter and Snail's Pace

As the top correspondent for Piñata Island's #1 newspaper, "The Piñata Yada Yada", this paparazzi pigeon has an uncanny beak for news. Pecky will follow any lead, dish any dirt, and shadow any celebrity to get a big scoop or shoot a Pulitzer-winning photo. Pecky's not afraid of ruffling a few feathers. More than once Pecky has had his camera broken, his wing dinged, and his beak busted. When asked about what happened the ace reporter's standard response: "See page six!"

Pierce Profitamole


Appears in: On a Sour Note, Hero, Confetti-itis, Mad Mongo and Snail's Pace

Pierce is a feisty sour profitamole who sings in a band apparently called 'Rock Candy'.

Quotes- "Oh, i prefer to be called sweet!" "Perhaps some bethoven or mozart?"

Pierre Parrybo


Appearances in: Horstachio of a Different Color, Legs, Franklin Can’t Dance, Lights, Camera, Action!, Hudson’s Biggest Fan and The Great Gob Rush.

Pierre is a feisty, fiery, fiercely French-accented piñata. A minor celebrity on the island, Pierre is often asked to officiate at various contests, fairs, pageants, etc.. This is odd when you consider that between his heavy French accent and his unique mangling of the English language, Pierre is terribly hard to understand. Pierre also has a call-in radio show that is very popular on Piñata Island. Piñata Celebrities like Hudson, and... well, Hudson... often come by to chat with Pierre and take questions from callers. Pierre is also the island's #1 DJ, and can be found spinning ze discs at many of Piñata Island's most popular clubs and biggest celebrations.

Voice: Pete Zarustica

Quotes- "I am so rockin of ze house!"

Polollybear (Unamed)


Appearances in: Pig-Out Mountain

The Polollybear lives on top of Pig-Out mountain and eats everything besides Rashberries and Fizzlybears.

Prewitt Profitamole


Appearances in: Legs, Piñata Island Idol, Six Million Dollar Piñata and Hudson on Hudson

Prewitt is the Island's repair mechanic. He repairs piñatas, when they "break a stitch." His workshop contains "spare" piñata parts.

Voice: Mike MacRae

Quotes- "I would very much like to preform the- *Prewitt gets tossed aside and gets whacked*" "My "sopes" were coming on. just please, dont over do it, ok?"

Red Dragonache (Unnamed)


Appearances in: Royal Visit and Pecky Pudgeon, Private Eye

Used to be an evil Dragonache but because of Fergy he was tamed to be a nice dog-like dragon.

Rory Rashberry


Appearances in: Pig-Out Mountain

Rory is a Rashberry alpine climber on an expedition to the treasure on Pig Out Mountain.

Quotes- "heave ho, heave ho, GREAT! oink oink!"



Appearances in: Trojan Horstachio, Lights, Camera, Action!, Mission: Impinatable, Piñata Island Idol, The Great Gob Rush, Piñata Island Idol, Invasion of the Boogie Snatchers, Twingersnapped!, Free the Piñatas, For My Next Trick, Treasure of Piñata Madre, Pester's Party, Wild Horstachios, My Sweet Sours and Pester the Pinata

The Ruffians are a group of menacing Piñata poachers on the island led by Professor Pester.

Shirley Shellybean


Appearances in: Candiosity, Les Saves the Day…Again!, Snail’s Pace and Pester the Pinata

She is far and away the slowest Piñata on the island, but Shirley Shellybean doesn't seem to be aware of her extreme and near-complete lack of speed. Many times Shirley and the gang will start out on an adventure together, but pretty quickly the others have left her far behind, and by episode's end, Shirley has only just barley moved a few feet, still enthusiastically chattering, "C'mon gang! Let's get this show on the road!"

Silvia Sweetooth


Appearances in: Wild Horstachios and Hudson's Holiday

Silvia is the makeup artist for Hudson's commercial shoot on Wild Horstachios. A stampede of wild Horstachios takes her and Hudson to the wild. She has brown hair and wears lipstick.

Simone Cinnamonkey


Appearances in: Horstachio of a Different Color, Pecky Pudgeon, Private Eye, Hudson’s Biggest Fan, Pester's Party, Snail's pace and Hudson on Hudson

Simone Cinnamonkey is Hudson Horstachio's wheeling and dealing manager and agent. Sure, Hudson can be an insufferable, boorish, juvenile, and yes, she has to cater to his every little urge and annoying whim, but being the agent of the biggest, most fabulous piñata superstar ever makes her big and fabulous as well! Simone's phone is ringing off the hook and she barely has time to take on other clients. She's often seen talking on three phones at the same time - a phone in each hand and the third held by her tail!

Sour Mallowolf Gang


Appearances in: Snail’s Pace

Angered by their favorite soccer team losing, the gang decides to join the red mallowolves.

Quote- "Go red team! GAHAHAHAHA!"

Spalding Sparrowmint


Appears in: Invasion of the Boogie Snatchers.

Spalding is Paulie's neighbor. Paulie reveals that Spalding, the little tone deaf Sparrowmint, is 'The Worst Singer On The Whole Island!',

The Bonboon


Appearances in: Candiosity, Queen for a Day, The Piñatas Must Be Crazy, My Little Fergy, Snow Place Like Home and The Great Gob Rush.

Considered by many to be the wisest of the wise, the Piñata known only as The Bonboon sits in tranquil meditation under the shade of the oldest tree in the garden... next to the outhouse. Piñatas come to the Bonboon seeking answers to life's biggest questions, like "Why am I here? What is true Happiness/ Why did the Cluckle cross the road?" The Bonboon always has an answer... and that that answer usually involves giving him all your candy, cleaning his house, giving him a full body massage, etc. You see, what the piñatas don't realize is that the Bonboon not so much a wise man as he is a con man! After seeing him you best check that your wallet hasn't been stolen! Famous quotes include "Boom shaka laka laka boom shaka boom... Ah, a visitor. Welcome, lowly seeker of truth. How may I blow your teeny tiny mind?" "To become smaller, you must become larger." and, "'Five' is the answer to many questions, is it not?"

Uncle Hoofy Horstachio

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Appearances in: A Terrible Tribute

Uncle Hoofy was a mentor, role model & influence to Hudson in his youth.

Wendel Whirlm


Appears in: Soil and Green

Wendel is a Whirlm who loves to turn barren areas of Piñata Island into great gardens.

Quotes- "*singing* dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig!"

Wilson Whirlm


Appearances in: Whirlm with a Dream and The Crush

Wilson is a wannabe party animal, but he's finding it impossible to raise his candiosity high enough to be sent away. Despite this, he will keep trying to pursue his dream!