Piñata Vision barcode/ID table/ID table cards
Archived Results |
The following members have volunteered to help test these generated cards for the Piñata Vision barcode project:
- Daremo 001; shrly; Hosscat; xx kadesh xx; starjik123
Please report any discoveries (even if it's just to note that a card wasn't valid) by editing this article (or by private message), so it's known that your cards have been tested.
While anyone is welcome to try scanning any of these cards (and is encouraged to help verify results), credit for the discovery goes to the volunteer who was assigned to (and tested) the card. This helps keep things fair, so one member doesn't get credit for scanning every card.
If you missed out on signing up for this specific project, check out the forum's Unlocking the Secrets of the Pinata Vision Barcode thread for more details and other opportunities to volunteer to help discover cards.
Discoveries get announced on Fridays (after the cards have been uploaded to the wiki). Since we want to continue the PV card Friday announcements for the indefinite future, some cards will be set aside for future weeks, to ensure that we don't run out of cards to share each Friday, especially if that week didn't bring any new discoveries.
Rest assured that your name and the date of discovery will be properly credited as the cards are uploaded.
ID table possibilities
These cards may or may not be valid. It's not known what item or effect a generated card may have on your garden. Treat them as unsupported and do any testing/scanning using an alternate gamertag, or garden that's not important to you.
ID | Predicted barcode | Volunteer | Result | Result verified by |
004V07 | F976D7BB265E68E1 B3D5C14084D601C3 | shrly | pink desert syrupent named Yuriko | |
004V08 | 836195902A67AA2B 85236150AFEA3CC8 | starjik123 | black syrupent named amy | xx kadesh xx |
006V07 | 967A67929F583476 C7E2F1EBA270D308 | shrly | black sherbat named Theo | |
006V08 | D77DB9204E1A2B25 1AD6690BDF470D87 | starjik123 | black and neon blue sherbat named quinn | xx kadesh xx |
007V07 | CA5D6E134D05FA2C D28F893FEF9A39D5 | shrly | black fizzlybear named Edward | |
007V08 | 96B2B3943B2F9D88 B112E09A38F2198B | starjik123 | black fizzlybear named amy | xx kadesh xx |
009V08 | CAE76A366D1BE2A4 B26096C8093FC582 | shrly | regular buzzlegum named Dana | |
011V07 | C46A3EF369049659 964C7A304898A749 | starjik123 | mono blue taffly named theo | xx kadesh xx |
011V08 | 876195917B24642B AFF9F1CDE8E4AB16 | shrly | black taffly named Dana | |
015V07 | F96FD16B267E7C71 15B7FB658D772C87 | starjik123 | mono pink galagoogoo named sonja | xx kadesh xx |
015V08 | 87A3B7851F269F88 945FD4BF8C00E0AC | shrly | black galagoo named Nick | |
016V07 | C42925F3FC459649 E518F97BFCA5D805 | starjik123 | black buzzenge named pam | xx kadesh xx |
016V08 | E42129383D73538F B3853048B42309E3 | shrly | black buzzenge named Yuriko | |
018V07 | B3D170A8CD6A16B3 97FBE3D2E8FB9B16 | starjik123 | black candary named nick | xx kadesh xx |
018V08 | 876195916A3C3B3B C3D5C1CC5B321D5B | shrly | black candary named Chris | |
019V07 | E07B78A21B9FC490 F23070A32A1E55D1 | starjik123 | black parmadillo named chris | xx kadesh xx |
019V08 | A2F8D08E494D7CFA 24ED4D7E1E0C8DFE | shrly | black parmadillo named Ruth | |
022V07 | B3B172A84DFD1693 AA49F9A21F08D6ED | starjik123 | black cluckles named edward | xx kadesh xx |
022V08 | D77FB8206E1F2825 B1F7C49B34FD5E0B | shrly | black cluckles named yuriko | |
024V08 | 86B287B36B2ECD88 6F91FA90CE57017F | starjik123 | white moozipan with pink udders named quinn | xx kadesh xx |
025V07 | 9A5D2E135C55123C E75227969E59E6FC | shrly | faded regular custacean named Pam | |
025V08 | 9A5D2E135C55123C C6F3F9A3DD752C07 | starjik123 | black custacean named pam | xx kadesh xx |
027V07 | B78174A07D6E16E3 7FA73A64AE0A93D4 | shrly | regular crowla named Francis | |
027V08 | 97B297B60B2ECD88 8EF085AE88172C27 | starjik123 | black crowla named yuriko | xx kadesh xx |
028V07 | 995D6E134D551DCC E1C67BCE978B99B0 | shrly | regular doenut named Dana | |
028V08 | 99482E134F051CFC 85E0B1ABE05A3718 | starjik123 | black doenut named mark | xx kadesh xx |
030V07 | 995D6E135C410AFC 891BF33453512E95 | shrly | black barkbark named Oprah | |
030V08 | E460783A7D68538F 21A8FA7608BAF34D | starjik123 | black barkbark with a blue nose named hannah | xx kadesh xx |
033V07 | CEEE6A167D1BA0A4 0712E33A221727A5 | shrly | mint green (var. 3) dragumfly named Linda | |
033V08 | 92BEFA969F502656 AFA920379A6E866A | starjik123 | lime green dragumfly with pink wings and yellowish eyes named OPRAH | xx kadesh xx |
035V07 | 876195816816643B 4230C1E02A1D7121 | shrly | new green variant arocknod named Sonja | |
035V08 | 9DBADA9FCE502256 D700B1501B59F25D | starjik123 | lime green arocknid with pink legs and blue eye lids named yuriko - for some reason when close its legs are purple when far away its legs are lime green | xx kadesh xx |
036V07 | CA7E69965C1BB084 7767ECB960E4DD1B | shrly | black eaglair named Victor | |
036V08 | CAEF69367C1BE084 FADBD90B2B17638F | starjik123 | black eaglair named pam | xx kadesh xx |
037V07 | BEE1EBA85DFB1F33 42D19AF85A3CDF63 | shrly | black desert buzzenge named Sonja | |
037V08 | 87A7B2933F269F88 6B9FC804BCC533A5 | starjik123 | black buzzenge named victor | xx kadesh xx |