Piñata Vision barcode/ID table/ID table cards

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Revision as of 16:55, 2 March 2011 by Shrly (talk | contribs) (ID table possibilities)
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The following members have volunteered to help test these generated cards for the Piñata Vision barcode project:

Daremo 001; Ss I Tartan; shrly

Please report any discoveries (even if it's just to note that a card wasn't valid) by editing this article (or by private message), so it's known that your cards have been tested.

While anyone is welcome to try scanning any of these cards (and is encouraged to help verify results), credit for the discovery goes to the volunteer who was assigned to (and tested) the card. This helps keep things fair, so one member doesn't get credit for scanning every card.

If you missed out on signing up for this specific project, check out the forum's Unlocking the Secrets of the Pinata Vision Barcode thread for more details and other opportunities to volunteer to help discover cards.


Discoveries get announced on Fridays (after the cards have been uploaded to the wiki). Since we want to continue the PV card Friday announcements for the indefinite future, some cards will be set aside for future weeks, to ensure that we don't run out of cards to share each Friday, especially if that week didn't bring any new discoveries.

Rest assured that your name and the date of discovery will be properly credited as the cards are uploaded.

ID table possibilities

These cards may or may not be valid. It's not known what item or effect a generated card may have on your garden. Treat them as unsupported and do any testing/scanning using an alternate gamertag, or garden that's not important to you.

ID Predicted barcode Volunteer Result Result verified by
2052 F1707B743D01538F Daremo 001 Sheriff's Badge shrly
2054 F1707B743C00538F Ss I Tartan Kameo Wings shrly
2060 F1707B742D09538F shrly Star Earrings Daremo 001
2062 F1707B742C08538F Daremo 001 Lucky Earrings shrly
2069 F1707B747D61A38F Ss I Tartan Nurse's Hat shrly
2071 F1707B747C60A38F shrly Edo Wig Daremo 001
2077 F1707B746D69A38F Daremo 001 Caesar's Hat shrly
2079 F1707B746C68A38F Ss I Tartan Homburg shrly
2084 F1707B753D81538F shrly Mountie Hat Daremo 001
1673 D76190A0AD70113B Daremo 001 Sherbat Life Candy shrly
1675 D76190A0AD70317B Ss I Tartan Sweetooth Life Candy shrly
1680 D76190A0AD7D0A2B shrly Twingersnap Life Candy Daremo 001
1682 D76190A0AD7D2A6B Daremo 001 Galagoogoo Life Candy shrly
1697 D76190A0AD52553B Ss I Tartan Elaphanilla Life Candy shrly
1699 D76190A0AD52757B shrly Salamango Life Candy Daremo 001
1712 D76190A0AD5D4A2B Daremo 001 Roario Life Candy shrly
1759 D76190A0ADE9D07B Ss I Tartan Robean Life Candy shrly
1764 D76190A0ADA3AB2B shrly Chostrich Life Candy Daremo 001
1772 D76190A0ADA1A82B Daremo 001 Bispotti Life Candy shrly
1688 D76190A0AD78092B Ss I Tartan Moozipan Life Candy shrly
1690 D76190A0AD78296B shrly Crowla Life Candy Daremo 001
1705 D76190A0AD50513B Daremo 001 Juicygoose Life Candy shrly
1707 D76190A0AD50717B Ss I Tartan Green Flutterscotch Life Candy shrly
1714 D76190A0AD5D6A6B shrly Profitamole Life Candy Daremo 001
1720 D76190A0AD58492B Daremo 001 Parrybo Life Candy shrly
1722 D76190A0AD58696B Ss I Tartan Pudgeon Life Sweet shrly
1732 D76190A0ADE39B2B shrly Sparrowmint Life Candy Daremo 001
1734 D76190A0ADE3CB6B Daremo 001 Squazzil Life Candy shrly
1740 D76190A0ADE1982B Ss I Tartan Whirlm LC shrly
1742 D76190A0ADE1C86B shrly Zumbug LC Daremo 001
1774 D76190A0ADA1E86B Daremo 001 Peckanmix Life Candy shrly
1781 D76190A0ADACB43B Ss I Tartan Hoghurt LC shrly
1999 D76190A0A2F1C07B shrly Santa Hat Daremo 001
1757 D76190A0ADE9803B Daremo 001 Polollybear Life Candy shrly
1920 D76190A0A2621A2B Ss I Tartan Thunder Cut shrly
1922 D76190A0A2623A6B shrly Weather-Girl Wig Daremo 001
1928 D76190A0A260192B Daremo 001 Yee-Haw Spurs shrly
1960 D76190A0A240592B Ss I Tartan Yee-haw Boots shrly
1962 D76190A0A240796B shrly Diamond Necklace Daremo 001
1991 D76190A0A2F3C47B Daremo 001 Eighties Watch shrly
1997 D76190A0A2F1903B Ss I Tartan Robber's Mask shrly
2012 D76190A0A2F9882B shrly Bonnet Daremo 001
2029 D76190A0A2B1A03B Daremo 001 Fruity Hat shrly
2031 D76190A0A2B1E07B Ss I Tartan Sailor Hat shrly
2036 D76190A0A2BCBB2B shrly Jam-Jars Hat Daremo 001
2038 D76190A0A2BCFB6B Daremo 001 Princess Hat shrly
2044 D76190A0A2B9B82B Ss I Tartan Jiggy Earings shrly
1930 D76190A0A260396B shrly School Cap Daremo 001
1937 D76190A0A26D053B Daremo 001 Reporter's Camera shrly
1939 D76190A0A26D257B Ss I Tartan Bow shrly
1945 D76190A0A268013B shrly Ballet Shoes Daremo 001
1947 D76190A0A268217B Daremo 001 Handlebar Mustache shrly
1952 D76190A0A2425A2B Ss I Tartan Rashberry badge shrly
1954 D76190A0A2427A6B shrly Bling Bracelet Daremo 001
1969 D76190A0A24D453B Daremo 001 Big Jolly Lips shrly
1971 D76190A0A24D657B Ss I Tartan Buck Teeth shrly
1977 D76190A0A248413B shrly Halo of Hardness Daremo 001
1979 D76190A0A248617B Daremo 001 Sweaty Head Band shrly
1989 D76190A0A2F3943B Ss I Tartan Traditional Watch shrly
2004 D76190A0A2FC8B2B shrly Belly Splash Specials Daremo 001
2006 D76190A0A2FCDB6B Daremo 001 Funky Tie shrly
2014 D76190A0A2F9D86B Ss I Tartan Butter Cup Hair Flower shrly
2021 D76190A0A2B3A43B shrly Barkbark Tags Daremo 001
2023 D76190A0A2B3E47B Daremo 001 Student's Hat shrly
2046 D76190A0A2B9F86B Ss I Tartan Disco Shades shrly