Piñata Vision barcode/ID table/ID table cards

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Revision as of 14:12, 21 February 2011 by Shrly (talk | contribs) (ID table possibilities)
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The following members have volunteered to help test these generated cards for the Piñata Vision barcode project:

Daremo 001; shrly

Please report any discoveries (even if it's just to note that a card wasn't valid) by editing this article (or by private message), so it's known that your cards have been tested.

While anyone is welcome to try scanning any of these cards (and is encouraged to help verify results), credit for the discovery goes to the volunteer who was assigned to (and tested) the card. This helps keep things fair, so one member doesn't get credit for scanning every card.

If you missed out on signing up for this specific project, check out the forum's Unlocking the Secrets of the Pinata Vision Barcode thread for more details and other opportunities to volunteer to help discover cards.


Discoveries get announced on Fridays (after the cards have been uploaded to the wiki). Since we want to continue the PV card Friday announcements for the indefinite future, some cards will be set aside for future weeks, to ensure that we don't run out of cards to share each Friday, especially if that week didn't bring any new discoveries.

Rest assured that your name and the date of discovery will be properly credited as the cards are uploaded.

ID table possibilities

These cards may or may not be valid. It's not known what item or effect a generated card may have on your garden. Treat them as unsupported and do any testing/scanning using an alternate gamertag, or garden that's not important to you.

ID Predicted barcode Volunteer Result Result verified by
999 D76190A053B3E47B Daremo 001 coin, value 10 shrly (value 49)
975 D76190A053F1C07B shrly Hedge Fence piece
1778 96EAF4AEAB02F4A6 Daremo 001 Tigermisu Life Candy shrly
1780 DBFFF156F97FC0E4 shrly Walrusk Life Candy
1784 C6FEF4AEAB02F4B6 Daremo 001 Choclodocus Life Candy shrly
1776 96FEF4AEAB02F4A6 shrly Smelba Life Candy
1986 96EAF4AEE402C656 Daremo 001 Halloween Bolts shrly
1992 C6FEF4AEE402C646 shrly Tussle Tricorn (hat)
1994 C6EAF4AEE402C646 Daremo 001 Rashberry Helmet shrly
2024 C6FEF4AEE402F646 shrly Comedian's Choice
2026 C6EAF4AEE402F646 Daremo 001 Cook Hat shrly
1984 96FEF4AEE402C656 shrly Toff Monacle
2016 96FEF4AEE402F656 Daremo 001 Bling Earrings shrly
2018 96EAF4AEE402F656 shrly Pendant Earrings
2032 F170692DA4D3538F Daremo 001 invalid shrly
2020 CAFFF152F96FC0E4 shrly Poppy Hair Flower
2022 CA6FF150F96FC0E4 Daremo 001 Sunflower Hair Flower shrly
2028 CAF6F152F96FD0E4 shrly Suer Hero Belt
150 B9E078A0391A0F1D Daremo 001 Sour Profitamole shrly
1988 CAFFF152B96FC2E4 shrly Dellmonty
1990 CA6FF150B96FC2E4 Daremo 001 Mermaid Necklace shrly
1996 CAF6F152B96FD2E4 shrly Red Nose
2007 DA6FD150B87FC2E4 Daremo 001 Conga's Top Hat shrly
2013 DAF6D152B87FD2E4 shrly Buzzlegum Keeper Hat
2015 DA66D150B87FD2E4 Daremo 001 Daisy Hair Flower shrly
2030 CA66F150F96FD0E4 shrly Mr. Pants Hat
2045 DAF6D152F87FD0E4 Daremo 001 Lupus Ears shrly
1929 CAF6D512B86BD2F4 shrly Super Hero Mask
1956 B56071A0C9178B9D Daremo 001 Bunnycomb Ears shrly
1958 BA6071A039178B9D shrly Soupswill Cook Hat
1966 BA6071E039178BCD Daremo 001 Mermaid Earrings shrly
1973 B46070A0D9178B1D shrly Soccer Boots
1975 BB6070A029178B1D Daremo 001 DanceGlow shrly
1981 B46070E0D9178B3D shrly Bronze Medal
1983 BB6070E029178B3D Daremo 001 Baby's Bib shrly
1998 CA66F150B96FD2E4 shrly Extreme Sports Goggles
2001 96FEDBAEE402C4A6 Daremo 001 Sea-Shell Collar shrly
2005 DAFFD152B87FC2E4 shrly Granny's Tache
2009 C6FEDBAEE402C4B6 Daremo 001 Ga-Ga Necklace shrly
2033 96FEDBAEE402F4A6 shrly Vela Wig
2035 96EADBAEE402F4A6 Daremo 001 Grunty Hat shrly
2037 DAFFD152F87FC0E4 shrly Binner's hat
2039 DA6FD150F87FC0E4 Daremo 001 Von Ghoul Helmet shrly
2047 DA66D150F87FD0E4 shrly Flying Goggles
1672 CBF6F516B96BD2F4 Daremo 001 Badgesicle Life Candy shrly
1674 CB66F514B96BD2F4 shrly Fizzlybear life Candy
1681 DBFFD516B87BC2F4 Daremo 001 Brown Flutterscotch Life Candy shrly
1683 DB6FD514B87BC2F4 shrly Buzzenge Life Candy
1689 DBF6D516B87BD2F4 Daremo 001 Cocoadile Life Candy shrly
1691 DB66D514B87BD2F4 shrly Doenut Life Candy
1696 CBFFF516F96BC0F4 Daremo 001 Eaglair Life Candy shrly
1698 CB6FF514F96BC0F4 shrly Redhott Life Candy
1713 DBFFD516F87BC0F4 Daremo 001 Bonboon Life Candy shrly
1733 CBFFD156B86FC2E4 shrly Arocknid Life Candy
1765 CBFFD156F86FC0E4 Daremo 001 S'morpion Life Candy shrly
1880 856238E4C917D63D shrly Yelloew (?) Fertilzer Mound
148 B1E078A0C91A0F1D Daremo 001 Sour Cocoadile shrly
1676 A4F8E46F4F0E57A2 shrly Buzzlegum Life Candy
1678 A468E46F4F0E57E2 Daremo 001 Taffly Life Candy shrly
1684 B57078A0C9170F1D shrly Candary Life Candy
1686 BA7078A039170F1D Daremo 001
1692 B57078E0C9170F3D shrly Barkbark Life Candy
1694 BA7078E039170F3D Daremo 001
1706 CB66F514F96BD0F4 shrly Syrupent Life Candy
1715 DB6FD514F87BC0F4 Daremo 001
1721 DBF6D516F87BD0F4 shrly Rashberry Life Candy
1723 DB66D514F87BD0F4 Daremo 001
1735 CB6FD154B86FC2E4 shrly Swanana Life Candy
1741 CBF6D156B86FD2E4 Daremo 001
1750 DB6FF154B97FC2E4 shrly Shellybean Life Candy
1756 DBF6F156B97FD2E4 Daremo 001
1758 DB66F154B97FD2E4 shrly Pengum Life Candy
1767 CB6FD154F86FC0E4 Daremo 001
1773 CBF6D156F86FD0E4 shrly HootyFruity Life Candy
1775 CB66D154F86FD0E4 Daremo 001
156 B1E078E0C91A0F3D shrly Sour Bonboon
1677 B47079E0D9170FCD Daremo 001
1961 CAF6D512F86BD0F4 shrly Butcha's (earrings)
1963 CA66D510F86BD0F4 Daremo 001
1964 B56071E0C9178BCD shrly Pegasus Wings
1965 A4F8F466420957A2 Daremo 001
1967 A468F466420957E2 shrly Big Bling Earrings
1968 DAFFF512F97BC0F4 Daremo 001
1970 DA6FF510F97BC0F4 shrly Comedian's Nose
1972 A5F8A47F42095792 Daremo 001
1974 A568A47F420957C2 shrly
1976 DAF6F512F97BD0F4 Daremo 001
1978 DA66F510F97BD0F4 shrly
1980 A5F8E46F42095792 Daremo 001
1982 A568E46F420957C2 shrly
2003 96EADBAEE402C4A6 Daremo 001
1951 BB6078E029178F3D shrly
1925 A4F8B476460C57A2 Daremo 001
1926 BA6079A039178F9D shrly
1919 E07AD3A21E095D30 Daremo 001
1921 CAFFD512B86BC2F4 shrly
1923 CA6FD510B86BC2F4 Daremo 001
1679 BB7079E029170FCD shrly
1910 A696C0C56B67C8B8 Daremo 001
1913 A7F8D44640085712 shrly
1914 8A6230E43917D43D Daremo 001
1915 A768A44640085732 shrly
1867 8B6239E42917D6CD Daremo 001