Difference between revisions of "Piñata Vision barcode/ID table/ID table cards"

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(ID table possibilities)
(ID table possibilities)
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|004V08||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v8+zz2sandsnake&row1=85236150AFEA3CC8&row2=836195902A67AA2B 836195902A67AA2B 85236150AFEA3CC8]||starjik123||black syrupent named amy
|004V08||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v8+zz2sandsnake&row1=85236150AFEA3CC8&row2=836195902A67AA2B 836195902A67AA2B 85236150AFEA3CC8]||starjik123||black syrupent named amy
||xx kadesh xx
||xx kadesh xx
|006V07||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v7+bat&row1=C7E2F1EBA270D308&row2=967A67929F583476 967A67929F583476 C7E2F1EBA270D308]||shrly||black sherbat named Theo||Daremo 001
|006V07||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v7+bat&row1=C7E2F1EBA270D308&row2=967A67929F583476 967A67929F583476 C7E2F1EBA270D308]||shrly||black sherbat named Theo||Daremo 001
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|138V08||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v8+zebra&row1=8A632AC2E839F2A9&row2=93B2A7B46F6F9F18 93B2A7B46F6F9F18 8A632AC2E839F2A9]||xx kadesh xx|| ||
|138V08||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v8+zebra&row1=8A632AC2E839F2A9&row2=93B2A7B46F6F9F18 93B2A7B46F6F9F18 8A632AC2E839F2A9]||xx kadesh xx|| ||
|159V08||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v8+snail&row1=048909569C8872BC&row2=876195812F28D56B 876195812F28D56B 048909569C8872BC]||Daremo 001|| Soils Yellow body Shellybean named Uberto||
|159V08||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=v8+snail&row1=048909569C8872BC&row2=876195812F28D56B 876195812F28D56B 048909569C8872BC]||Daremo 001|| Solid Yellow body Shellybean named Uberto||

Revision as of 00:26, 26 April 2011


The following members have volunteered to help test these generated cards for the Piñata Vision barcode project:

Daremo 001; shrly; Hosscat; xx kadesh xx; starjik123

Please report any discoveries (even if it's just to note that a card wasn't valid) by editing this article (or by private message), so it's known that your cards have been tested.

While anyone is welcome to try scanning any of these cards (and is encouraged to help verify results), credit for the discovery goes to the volunteer who was assigned to (and tested) the card. This helps keep things fair, so one member doesn't get credit for scanning every card.

If you missed out on signing up for this specific project, check out the forum's Unlocking the Secrets of the Pinata Vision Barcode thread for more details and other opportunities to volunteer to help discover cards.


Discoveries get announced on Fridays (after the cards have been uploaded to the wiki). Since we want to continue the PV card Friday announcements for the indefinite future, some cards will be set aside for future weeks, to ensure that we don't run out of cards to share each Friday, especially if that week didn't bring any new discoveries.

Rest assured that your name and the date of discovery will be properly credited as the cards are uploaded.

ID table possibilities

These cards may or may not be valid. It's not known what item or effect a generated card may have on your garden. Treat them as unsupported and do any testing/scanning using an alternate gamertag, or garden that's not important to you.

ID Predicted barcode Volunteer Result Result verified by
004V07 F976D7BB265E68E1 B3D5C14084D601C3 shrly pink desert syrupent named Yuriko Daremo 001
004V08 836195902A67AA2B 85236150AFEA3CC8 starjik123 black syrupent named amy xx kadesh xx
006V07 967A67929F583476 C7E2F1EBA270D308 shrly black sherbat named Theo Daremo 001
006V08 D77DB9204E1A2B25 1AD6690BDF470D87 starjik123 black and neon blue sherbat named quinn xx kadesh xx
007V07 CA5D6E134D05FA2C D28F893FEF9A39D5 shrly black fizzlybear named Edward Daremo 001
007V08 96B2B3943B2F9D88 B112E09A38F2198B starjik123 black fizzlybear named amy xx kadesh xx
009V08 CAE76A366D1BE2A4 B26096C8093FC582 shrly regular buzzlegum named Dana Daremo 001
011V07 C46A3EF369049659 964C7A304898A749 starjik123 mono blue taffly named theo xx kadesh xx
011V08 876195917B24642B AFF9F1CDE8E4AB16 shrly black taffly named Dana Daremo 001
015V07 F96FD16B267E7C71 15B7FB658D772C87 starjik123 mono pink galagoogoo named sonja xx kadesh xx
015V08 87A3B7851F269F88 945FD4BF8C00E0AC shrly black galagoo named Nick Daremo 001
016V07 C42925F3FC459649 E518F97BFCA5D805 starjik123 black buzzenge named pam xx kadesh xx
016V08 E42129383D73538F B3853048B42309E3 shrly black buzzenge named Yuriko Daremo 001
018V07 B3D170A8CD6A16B3 97FBE3D2E8FB9B16 starjik123 black candary named nick xx kadesh xx
018V08 876195916A3C3B3B C3D5C1CC5B321D5B shrly black candary named Chris Daremo 001
019V07 E07B78A21B9FC490 F23070A32A1E55D1 starjik123 black parmadillo named chris xx kadesh xx
019V08 A2F8D08E494D7CFA 24ED4D7E1E0C8DFE shrly black parmadillo named Ruth Daremo 001
022V07 B3B172A84DFD1693 AA49F9A21F08D6ED starjik123 black cluckles named edward xx kadesh xx
022V08 D77FB8206E1F2825 B1F7C49B34FD5E0B shrly black cluckles named yuriko Daremo 001
024V08 86B287B36B2ECD88 6F91FA90CE57017F starjik123 white moozipan with pink udders named quinn xx kadesh xx
025V07 9A5D2E135C55123C E75227969E59E6FC shrly faded regular custacean named Pam Daremo 001
025V08 9A5D2E135C55123C C6F3F9A3DD752C07 starjik123 black custacean named pam xx kadesh xx
027V07 B78174A07D6E16E3 7FA73A64AE0A93D4 shrly regular crowla named Francis Daremo 001
027V08 97B297B60B2ECD88 8EF085AE88172C27 starjik123 black crowla named yuriko xx kadesh xx
028V07 995D6E134D551DCC E1C67BCE978B99B0 shrly regular doenut named Dana Daremo 001
028V08 99482E134F051CFC 85E0B1ABE05A3718 starjik123 black doenut named mark xx kadesh xx
030V07 995D6E135C410AFC 891BF33453512E95 shrly black barkbark named Oprah Daremo 001
030V08 E460783A7D68538F 21A8FA7608BAF34D starjik123 black barkbark with a blue nose named hannah xx kadesh xx
033V07 CEEE6A167D1BA0A4 0712E33A221727A5 shrly mint green (var. 3) dragumfly named Linda Daremo 001
033V08 92BEFA969F502656 AFA920379A6E866A starjik123 lime green dragumfly with pink wings and yellowish eyes named OPRAH xx kadesh xx
035V07 876195816816643B 4230C1E02A1D7121 shrly new green variant arocknod named Sonja Daremo 001
035V08 9DBADA9FCE502256 D700B1501B59F25D starjik123 lime green arocknid with pink legs and blue eye lids named yuriko - for some reason when close its legs are purple when far away its legs are lime green xx kadesh xx
036V07 CA7E69965C1BB084 7767ECB960E4DD1B shrly black eaglair named Victor Daremo 001
036V08 CAEF69367C1BE084 FADBD90B2B17638F starjik123 black eaglair named pam xx kadesh xx
037V07 BEE1EBA85DFB1F33 42D19AF85A3CDF63 shrly black desert buzzenge named Sonja Daremo 001
037V08 87A7B2933F269F88 6B9FC804BCC533A5 starjik123 black buzzenge named victor xx kadesh xx
042V08 EE8EA1A4B0F02F27 0EFDF840D33B7CCD Daremo 001 normal Pigxie V1 named William
043V07 87A6B6B40B27CF08 B22029C66A376E0B Hosscat
043V08 D1EBE80C5DA8F7AE 62A9DBCD934EB654 xx kadesh xx
044V07 D57249322F942425 AA49F9A68F48D6ED Daremo 001 Black Lickatoad named Edward
044V08 CB77F9365C1BA084 83EC57FE496C174A Hosscat
045V08 99482E134F079C6C B2206B187B362E0B xx kadesh xx
047V07 D07ACEB7F94596B9 12292077632F826A Daremo 001 Solid Red Artic Pretztail named Sonja
047V08 D4F9F80E1DA0F7AE 257C7DB2E83302E8 Hosscat
048V07 9DBE2492CE50D2E6 F0FD4A931E0C8C3E xx kadesh xx
048V08 E4613A7B7FC7538F C3A8BF3693DF6EF4 Daremo 001 normal Artic Bunnycomb named Ike
049V07 D37D48004D950025 29163A44FC5B7EED Hosscat
049V08 E461687B7EE3A38F D1FF1D6C1E0C8C6E xx kadesh xx
050V07 DBEE2A342C3BE094 12292077637DB26A Daremo 001 normal Artic Juicygoose V1 named Sonja
050V08 D13C3BF7FC04C649 76BA0592EDE41676 Hosscat
052V07 97A793827B27CD88 55B5D1B87D4B3A97 xx kadesh xx
052V08 E07B71121BDCB8C0 53F3739CCF2D94E2 Daremo 001 Solid Orange with Purple beak named Hannah
054V08 A2F8D18C49BA5CDA 921D0912BE9A768C Hosscat
061V08 A3FA9426110A5B42 86F2F11D686F3626 xx kadesh xx
065V08 E07B6B521BDEB4A0 3010C1CF5A361E4B Daremo 001 Black Bispotti named Gabby
069V08 8692A3822F6ECF08 1AB568448D662D87 Hosscat
075V07 E47E3EF3FC4596B9 E1C67BCE978679B0 xx kadesh xx
075V08 EEBCF0A9F9E13E77 D08F980B9D1539D5 Daremo 001 Black Profitamole named Edward
077V07 E07B6E521BC7A4D0 C072BBE47F1608CF Hosscat
077V08 C24EDA969E5D7476 243A38C78D0EDE4E xx kadesh xx
079V08 B7C1E0A0ADF50673 533E6AFD3F0E924A Daremo 001 Black Mothdrop named Hannah
080V08 92FE2496CE5DE0A6 07B18B59E9049907 Hosscat
081V07 E07B68521B835280 71C67BCE9CB815B0 xx kadesh xx
081V08 D36195953ADF013B DAA2FB0BEFBA2F8D Daremo 001 Black Newtgat named Nick
085V07 E46538383865A38F F278004B46128301 Hosscat
085V08 E439DFB3FC049659 33F1EB9C446D9032 xx kadesh xx
086V07 869293955F669F88 0516E33A629627B5 Daremo 001 Orange/Pink Peckanmix named Linda
086V08 D1E8E81E5A62F7AE 01E27633AC54C806 Hosscat
087V07 B7E170A8FDF60673 023034922A184001 xx kadesh xx
087V08 B78179A82DFB0623 E1D87BCEC73F31B0 Daremo 001 Black Parrybo named Theo
088V07 C6EE67929F5D34E6 964C7B344DA8A749 Hosscat
088V08 C2BE6596CE5DC2A6 18E2EB3CBFDD9B60 xx kadesh xx
090V07 F96FD648279E58F1 97FB73DDC8EB9B16 Daremo 001 more vibrant Rashberry named Mark
090V08 F96FD06B279E5151 A6F961CDE9E4AB16 Hosscat
092V07 C94D2E135C195CEC 422529D278333E0B xx kadesh xx
092V08 B3B179A06DFB0FE3 026A2AB8343109A3 Daremo 001 Black Lackatoad named Uberto
096V07 D4E9EA5E5ABFF7AE A8E4949D0FF2A3F2 Hosscat
112V07 BCC170A84D6B0F73 82EC44074A7C174A xx kadesh xx
112V08 BCE172A8ED6E0FF3 B283849C2B2053D3 Daremo 001 Black Sparrowmint named Mark
113V08 DEEE2A965D1FB0B4 A6F861D2A9FB9B16 Hosscat
114V07 879682A67F669F18 8AA2DB0B93EA2CBD xx kadesh xx
114V08 9FFAD496CF5DD6E6 43B3ED90763F5273 Daremo 001 Black Squazzil named Francis
119V08 9F4A6E9D9E5DD0A6 8FF2F10D687EC226 Hosscat
126V07 E434287A78E8538F 011FF32A035423B5 xx kadesh xx
126V08 D33250122EAA2015 B323829DFB385123 Daremo 001 Black Chewnicorn named Theo
129V08 E07B5B521BF55490 D35DBA826C5EEF64 Hosscat
136V07 A0FEA42F1A0F5B02 A9386B0BB1DA67B0 xx kadesh xx
136V08 9A5D2E134F6492CC DB71693F1A0F1A5E Daremo 001 Black Flapyak named Kim
138V07 93B2A7B46F6F9F18 F1F92476337FB26A Hosscat
138V08 93B2A7B46F6F9F18 8A632AC2E839F2A9 xx kadesh xx
159V08 876195812F28D56B 048909569C8872BC Daremo 001 Solid Yellow body Shellybean named Uberto