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||1619||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=8B7238A42917261D&row1=8B7238A42917261D 8B7238A42917261D]||Ss I Tartan||Sunflower Flowerhead works fine ||
||1619||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=8B7238A42917261D&row1=8B7238A42917261D 8B7238A42917261D]||Ss I Tartan||Sunflower Flowerhead works fine ||
||1620||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=E07AF9121E0910E0&row1=E07AF9121E0910E0 E07AF9121E0910E0]||shrly|| ||
||1620||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=E07AF9121E0910E0&row1=E07AF9121E0910E0 E07AF9121E0910E0]||shrly||Tulip flowerhead, scans easily ||
||1621||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=9792C1D12B67C848&row1=9792C1D12B67C848 9792C1D12B67C848]||Daremo 001|| ||
||1621||[http://pinataisland.info/vision/index.php?desc=9792C1D12B67C848&row1=9792C1D12B67C848 9792C1D12B67C848]||Daremo 001|| ||

Revision as of 16:36, 24 January 2011


The following members have volunteered to help test these generated cards for the Piñata Vision barcode project:

Daremo 001; Ss I Tartan; shrly

Please report any discoveries (even if it's just to note that a card wasn't valid) by editing this article (or by private message), so it's known that your cards have been tested.

While anyone is welcome to try scanning any of these cards (and is encouraged to help verify results), credit for the discovery goes to the volunteer who was assigned to (and tested) the card. This helps keep things fair, so one member doesn't get credit for scanning every card.

If you missed out on signing up for this specific project, check out the forum's Unlocking the Secrets of the Pinata Vision Barcode thread for more details and other opportunities to volunteer to help discover cards.


Discoveries get announced on Fridays (after the cards have been uploaded to the wiki). Since we want to continue the PV card Friday announcements for the indefinite future, some cards will be set aside for future weeks, to ensure that we don't run out of cards to share each Friday, especially if that week didn't bring any new discoveries.

Rest assured that your name and the date of discovery will be properly credited as the cards are uploaded.

ID table possibilities

These cards may or may not be valid. It's not known what item or effect a generated card may have on your garden. Treat them as unsupported and do any testing/scanning using an alternate gamertag, or garden that's not important to you.

ID Predicted barcode Volunteer Result Result verified by
1639 E07AF5A21E091B30 Daremo 001 Dandelion Flowerhead, nominal
1615 E07AFEA21E091630 Ss I Tartan Daisy Flower head works fine no problems with it
1622 E07AF9921E091070 shrly Bird of paradise flowerhead, scans easily
1627 8B7238E42917263D Daremo 001 Bullrush Flowerhead, nominal
1628 E07AFC121E0912E0 Ss I Tartan Thistle Flowerhead works fine no problems scanning
1629 9793C5D12B67C848 shrly Poison ivy flowerhead, scans easily
1631 9793C4D52B67C848 Daremo 001 Venus Pinata Trap Flowerhead, nominal
1633 A6F88456480B5752 Ss I Tartan Snowdrop Flowerhead works fine no problems scanning
1635 A6688456480B5772 shrly Cactus flowerhead, scans easily
1636 9686E1C16B67C848 Daremo 001 Tiger Lily Flowerhead, nominal
1637 E07AF5521E091BC0 Ss I Tartan Hemlock Flower works fine no problems scanning
1638 9686E0C56B67C848 shrly Rose flowerhead, scans easily
100 9686E1C16B679F08 Daremo 001 Red Flutterscotch, nominal
54 927AF696AA48F4A6 Ss I Tartan Syrupent works fine no problems scanning
103 E07B65A21E089B30 shrly Robean, scans easily
108 9687E5C16B679F08 Daremo 001 Goobaa, nominal
114 A368141F480B5632 Ss I Tartan Squazzil no problems scanning
136 CBE6FA16B96B82B4 shrly Flapyak, scans easily
22 927AF696AA48C4A6 Daremo 001 Cluckles, nominal
36 F1706B7A3D81538F Ss I Tartan Eaglair works fine
38 F1706B7A3C80538F shrly Elephanilla, scans easily
44 F1706B7A2D89538F Daremo 001 Lickatoad, nominal
52 926EF696AA48F4A6 Ss I Tartan Juicygoose works fine
53 F1706B7A7DF1A38F shrly Sarsgorilla, scans easily
55 F1706B7A7C90A38F Daremo 001
61 F1706B7A6DF9A38F Ss I Tartan Pieena wors fine
63 F1706B7A6CF8A38F shrly Lemmoning, scans easily
101 E07B65521E089BC0 Daremo 001 Limeoceros, nominal
109 E07B67521E089FC0 Ss I Tartan S'morepion, works fine
110 9687E4C56B679F08 shrly Sour s'morepion, scans easily
111 E07B67A21E089F30 Daremo 001 Tartridge, nominal
112 A3F8141F480B5612 Ss I Tartan Sarrowmint works fine
134 A068543F4F0E56E2 shrly Jeli, scans easily
135 B8E079A0291A0F9D Daremo 001 Whirlm, nominal
137 D76190A07C30113B Ss I Tartan Yellow Flutterscotch worksfine
138 CB76FA14B96B82B4 shrly Zumbug, scans easily
140 A0F8742F4F0E56A2 Daremo 001 Sweetle, nominal
981 DAEFD152B87F92E4 Ss I Tartan Wire Fence works fine
982 D76190A053FCDB6B shrly Iron fence, scans easily; couldn't click "Y" on it; was able to sell it
986 F1706A28B52D538F Daremo 001 Birdproof Fence, nominal
987 C6EADF9EE402C4B6 Ss I Tartan BirdProof Gate works fine
25 E07B7D521E0883C0 shrly Custacean, scans easily
46 F170687E2C88538F Daremo 001 Daisy Seed, nominal
56 86A7D5E16B67CB08 Ss I Tartan Planted snowdrop works fine
66 8AE239A43915269D shrly Planted water lily, scans easily; needs watering
67 A66804164B0F5772 Daremo 001 Bullrush Seed, nominal
72 85E239E4C91526CD Ss I Tartan Planted Thisle works fine
9 87B3F5F12B679F08 shrly Buzzlegum, scans easily
12 F1706B7B2D09538F Daremo 001 Blue Flutterscotch, nominal
17 E07B78521E0881C0 Ss I Tartan Smelba works fine
19 E07B78A21E088130 shrly Parmadillo, scans easily
24 87A3D5E16B679F08 Daremo 001 Moozipan, nominal
27 E07B7DA21E088330 Ss I Tartan Crowla works fine
29 F1706B7B6D69A38F shrly Choclodocus, scans easily (blue brontosaurus with round tail)
33 86B6F1F12B679F08 Daremo 001 Dragumfly, nominal
80 A3F8141F4B0F5612 Ss I Tartan Mousemallow works fine
10 E07B7F921E088770 shrly Black flutterscotch, scans easily
11 87B3F4F52B679F08 Daremo 001 Taffly, nominal
16 87A2D1E16B679F08 Ss I Tartan Buzzenge works fine
18 87A2D0E56B679F08 shrly Candary, scans easily
26 87A3D4E56B679F08 Daremo 001 Cocoadile, nominal
28 C26EF696AA48C4B6 Ss I Tartan Doenut works fine
34 E07B74921E088A70 shrly Quackberry, scans easily
32 E07B74121E088AE0 Daremo 001 Brown Dragonache same as egg card, nominal
35 86B6F0F52B679F08 Ss I Tartan Arocknid works fine
37 926EDF96AA48F656 shrly Buzzenge, scans easily
41 86B7F5F12B679F08 Daremo 001 Dessert Limeoceros, nominal
69 E07B6A521E0894C0 Ss I Tartan Roario works fine
88 A3F8340F4B0F5612 shrly Polyollybear, scans easily
91 88E238E4291A263D Daremo 001 Pudgeon, nominal
147 DB7FDA14B87B92B4 Ss I Tartan Sour Macaraccoon works fine but hard to get rid of.
3 87B2F0F52B679F08 shrly Raisant, scans easily
4 F1706B7B3D01538F Daremo 001 Dessert Syrupent, nominal
5 926EDF96AA48C656 Ss I Tartan Badgesicle works fine
6 F1706B7B3C00538F shrly Sherbat, scans easily
7 927ADF96AA48C656 Daremo 001 Fizzlybear, nominal
8 E07B7F121E0887E0 Ss I Tartan Sweettooth works fine
13 C26EDF96AA48C646 shrly Twingersnap, scans easily
14 F1706B7B2C08538F Daremo 001 Brown Flutterscotch, nominal
15 C27ADF96AA48C646 Ss I Tartan Galagoogoo works fine
20 926EF696AA48C4A6 shrly Kittyfloss, scans easily
21 F1706B7B7D61A38F Daremo 001 Jameleon, nominal
23 F1706B7B7C60A38F Ss I Tartan Camello works fine
30 C27AF696AA48C4B6 shrly Barkbark, scans easily
31 F1706B7B6C68A38F Daremo 001 Dessert Raisant, nominal
39 927ADF96AA48F656 Ss I Tartan Reddhott works fine
40 E07B76121E088EE0 shrly Salamango, scans easily
42 E07B76921E088E70 Daremo 001
43 86B7F4F52B679F08 Ss I Tartan Pretztail works fine
45 C26EDF96AA48F646 shrly Geckie, scans easily
47 C27ADF96AA48F646 Daremo 001
48 86A6D1E16B679F08 Ss I Tartan Artic Bunnycomb works fine
49 E07B70521E0889C0 shrly Hootyfruity, scans easily
50 86A6D0E56B679F08 Daremo 001
51 E07B70A21E088930 Ss I Tartan Artic Tigermisu works fine
58 86A7D4E56B679F08 shrly Fudgehog, scans easily
59 E07B72A21E088C30 Daremo 001
60 C26EF696AA48F4B6 Ss I Tartan Horstachio works fine
62 C27AF696AA48F4B6 shrly Fourheads, scans easily
64 81E239A4C91A269D Daremo 001
65 A2F804164B0F5652 Ss I Tartan Bispotti works fine
73 A2F824064B0F5652 shrly Bonboon, scans easily
75 A26824064B0F5672 Daremo 001
77 E07B6E521E0896C0 Ss I Tartan Cinnamonkey works fine
78 9783E4C56B679F08 shrly Moojoo, scans easily
79 E07B6EA21E089630 Daremo 001
81 80E238A4D91A261D Ss I Tartan Newgat works fine
83 88E238A4291A261D shrly Orange flutterscotch, scans easily
89 83E238E4D915263D Daremo 001
90 A368340F4B0F5632 Ss I Tartan Rasjberry works fine
96 81E231A4C91A249D shrly Bunnycomb, scans easily
97 A2F80416480B5652 Daremo 001
113 80E230A4D91A241D Ss I Tartan Arocknid variant but i dont know if 1,2,3, but it works fine anyway
121 80E230E4D91A243D shrly Tigermisu, scans easily
123 88E230E4291A243D Daremo 001
129 D76190A07C32153B Ss I Tartan Vulchurro works fine
130 CB7FFA14B96B92B4 shrly Walrusk, scans easily
131 D76190A07C32357B Daremo 001
132 A0F8543F4F0E56A2 Ss I Tartan Hoghurt works fine
133 B0E079A0D91A0F9D shrly Mallowolf, scans easily
155 DB76DA14B87B82B4 Daremo 001
382 A697C4C56B679F88 Ss I Tartan Weedling walks about and still able to buy from afurs inn
386 D76190A073223A6B shrly
394 D76190A07320396B Daremo 001
397 A0F86426460C56A2 Ss I Tartan Gtherling walks around and still able to buy from arfurs inn
398 B9F079E0391A8FCD shrly
399 A0686426460C56E2 Daremo 001
1616 A7F8945F4B0F5712 Ss I Tartan Buttercup Flowerhead works fine
1617 847238A4D917261D shrly
1618 A768945F4B0F5732 Daremo 001
1619 8B7238A42917261D Ss I Tartan Sunflower Flowerhead works fine
1620 E07AF9121E0910E0 shrly Tulip flowerhead, scans easily
1621 9792C1D12B67C848 Daremo 001
1623 9792C0D52B67C848 Ss I Tartan Orchid Flowerhead
1625 847238E4D917263D shrly Watercress flowerhead, scans easily
1626 A768C44F4B0F5732 Daremo 001
102 9686E0C56B679F08 FeralKitty Sour Limeoceros
107 A2682406480B5672 FeralKitty Sour Smelba
388 B1F079A0C91A8F9D FeralKitty Bart. Doesn't move after placing. No more tinkering available from shop since Bart is marked "Out."