To-do list for Category:Species:
edit · history · watch · refresh
- Fill in missing Infobox data for each species, as discovered
- Make corrections for Variant (species colors?), Evolve, and Rarity
- Write bios for different species
- Badgesicle, Chippopotamus, Cinnamonkey, Cocoadile, Crowla, Doenut, Dragumfly, Eaglair, Fizzlybear, Fourheads, Galagoogoo, Jameleon, Juicygoose, Lackatoad, Lickatoad, Mallowolf, Newtgat, Profitamole, Quackberry, Raisant, Roario, Shellybean, Sherbat, Swanana, Sweetooth, Zumbug
- Add a couple paragraphs (linked) text on Category page, touching on general species concepts like:
- a pinata's value, how it can increase by wearing accessories
- trading and selling pinatas
- species development; creating new species
What the heck happened to the Alphabetical order of the species? I tried to edit it and fix it, but not sure where it's pulling the info from... Just FYI... --Wismac 18:38, 27 November 2006 (EST)
Strange... I might have messed something up when I was messing around with the templates earlier... I have the reverted the template. --Jimmcq 19:08, 27 November 2006 (EST)