User:FeralKitty/Local/PV DB stuff
Steps to build database
Fetch details for the PV cards
Fetch everything (which simply runs the other fetch scripts).
- Fetch the category members for each species cards category.
- Fetch the category members for each type of card.
- Fetch the imageinfo for the members of each category.
Parse the downloaded xml data
Parse the xml for each category of cards.
./ > pass1
Check to make sure no cards have more than one type.
grep , pass1
Parse the xml for each card image.
./ > image_data
Download cards
Build a list of cards that need to be fetched.
If the card doesn't already exist locally, or the wiki's card is more recent, prepare to download it.
./ < pass1 > tmp_curl_fetch
Download any missing/out-of-date cards.
sh tmp_curl_fetch
Read the barcodes
Read the barcodes from the PV cards. See Misc stuff for unrelated steps, including saving the previous barcodes.txt
cd ~/pv/VP2Beta; ~/pv/ > barcodes.txt 2> barcodes_skipped.txt
Check to see if any cards weren't readable.
Shouldn't be any issues, assuming no more blurry, scanned, or very-low-resolution cards were uploaded.
cat barcodes_skipped.txt
Check for duplicate cards.
Associate barcodes
Lookup barcode for card and append to record.
./ < pass1 > pass2
Check to see if any card didn't get a barcode.
Shouldn't be any issue, since all cards were readable.
cut -d: -f8 < pass2 | sort | uniq | head
Generate descriptions
./ < pass2 > pass3
Retrieve any PVA/DL feed data
curl -o DL
Write out the PVA/DL data
Note: Uses pass4.sav, so make sure this corresponds to the app's DB
./ < pass3 | sort -n > newDL
Add row id and favorites field
Add a primary key and favorite field to the record. Also escape any spaces or 's in the card title, so it can be used as a URL.
./ < pass3 > pass4
To create a new database
sqlite3 -init create.sql pv.db -- Loading resources from create.sql SQLite version 3.6.12 Enter ".help" for instructions Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";" sqlite> .separator : sqlite> .import pass4 cards sqlite> select count(*) from cards; 1861 sqlite> .quit