User:FeralKitty/Local/PV DB stuff

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Steps to build database

Fetch details for the PV cards

Fetch everything (which simply runs the other fetch scripts).

Fetch the category members for each species cards category.
Fetch the category members for each type of card.
Fetch the imageinfo for the members of each category.

Parse the downloaded xml data

Parse the xml for each category of cards.

./ > pass1

Check to make sure no cards have more than one type.

grep , pass1

Parse the xml for each card image.

./ > image_data

Download cards

Build a list of cards that need to be fetched.

If the card doesn't already exist locally, or the wiki's card is more recent, prepare to download it.

./ < pass1 > tmp_curl_fetch

Download any missing/out-of-date cards.

sh tmp_curl_fetch

Read the barcodes

Read the barcodes from the PV cards. See Misc stuff for unrelated steps, including saving the previous barcodes.txt

cd ~/pv/VP2Beta; ~/pv/ > barcodes.txt 2> barcodes_skipped.txt

Check to see if any cards weren't readable.

Shouldn't be any issues, assuming no more blurry, scanned, or very-low-resolution cards were uploaded.

cat barcodes_skipped.txt

Check for duplicate cards.


Associate barcodes

Lookup barcode for card and append to record.

./ < pass1 > pass2

Check to see if any card didn't get a barcode.

Shouldn't be any issue, since all cards were readable.

cut -d: -f8 < pass2 | sort | uniq | head

Generate descriptions

./ < pass2 > pass3

Retrieve any PVA/DL feed data

curl -o DL

Write out the PVA/DL data

Note: Uses pass4.sav, so make sure this corresponds to the app's DB

./ < pass3 | sort -n > newDL

Add row id and favorites field

Add a primary key and favorite field to the record. Also escape any spaces or 's in the card title, so it can be used as a URL.

./ < pass3 > pass4

To create a new database

sqlite3 -init create.sql pv.db
-- Loading resources from create.sql
SQLite version 3.6.12
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .separator :
sqlite> .import pass4 cards
sqlite> select count(*) from cards;
sqlite> .quit

To verify PlaceTag IDs

egrep ':Fruit:' pass3 | ./ --filename | ./ --short | ./

To create PlaceTag property lists

egrep ':Fruit:' pass3 | ./ | ./ | sort | ./ > Fruit.plist