Talk:Designer pirate garden

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Copied the code to insert a youtube video from the tips page. But the size is far smaller than is ideal. Isn't the full size video streamed whether your browser has resized the display of it or not? Might as well see it full size, but I don't know how to set those parameters. --Lymaniii 20:08, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

They could just click the video like I did to link to the Youtube site to watch in full size. You have done a great job with this page. Not only with the designs but with the camera work and editing too. It's very handy. Thought about all your other cool gardens from the past, such as the Valentines Day. Those seasonal gardens of yours are killer!! 5/5 for each vid you posted so far! --ImaTestWentBad 20:52, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
I've changed the size of the video for you. The default size is intentionally small to conveniently fit into Infoboxes. --FeralKitty (talk) 21:51, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, FeralKitty. Is that something I can change myself, or is that a moderator thing? Lymaniii 00:18, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

It's something you can specify yourself. Just look at the edited article to see how it was done. --FeralKitty (talk) 02:14, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Ok, I just put in the PV cards. These were my first uploads, so there were a few hitches along the way. First off, the naming convention isn't entirely clear and might need a little more explanation. Is PV at the end of a card just to indicate it's a scannable card (as opposed to images uploaded that are screenshots, or is it supposed to signify a Rare issued card (you know, the kind with the three accessories printed at the bottom). I thought it was the latter before now. Second, I want to have these cards separate from the other cards that show WC or variants so that they won't inadvertently get overwritten at some point down the road. I ended up naming them with a DG at the end, for "designer garden". But then I saw the special gallery FeralKitty made and those cards don't follow any convention at all, so I wonder if I could do the same with these designer garden cards. For example, name them after their character instead of the generic species name. Finally, I typically use chrome for web browsing, and I don't know if it matters, but the videos here and elsewhere end up with really weird justification in that browser. Lymaniii 01:26, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Yes, -PV means a pinata vision card -- any card with a barcode, whether generated by Rare or captured/uploaded by a user -- as opposed to some other form of image, e.g., a screenshot.
As for the naming convention, please definitely try to avoid any name that is meant for something else. For example, Hoghurt-TroubleInParadise-Variant1.jpg would be a species article variant image. Also, since it's possible that you may feature Hoghurt cards in more than one design, your name would have to support multiple designer Hoghurt cards. You could use names, e.g., Hoghurt-TroubleInParadise-Tom-PV.jpg and Hoghurt-TroubleInParadise-Jerry-PV.jpg or numbers, e.g., Hoghurt-TroubleInParadise-Designer1-PV.jpg, Hoghurt-TroubleInParadise-Designer2-PV.jpg. You get the idea.
Please use the upload wizard when uploading images. The wizard is there for a good purpose, to help categorize images, and help provide descriptions and such. Compare a wizard-uploaded Image:Hoghurt-TroubleInParadise-Variant1-PV.jpg and your Image:Hoghurt-TroubleInParadise-Variant1.jpg to see the difference the wizard makes for an image article.
If you're not sure how to use the wizard, I just explained it in Talk:Langston's Destination Challenges. --FeralKitty (talk) 02:14, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

Oh yeah, one more thing. When I realize I've misnamed the cards (left off some part of the convention or another), can I rename them somehow? I couldn't see a way. --Preceding unsigned comment added by Lymaniii (talk)

No, images can't be renamed. If you want to start over, with new names (and descriptions and such), the old ones can be deleted. --FeralKitty (talk) 02:14, 28 April 2009 (UTC)