Helpers are characters that are available to assist with some of the jobs that keeping a garden entails. You can have up to five helpers active in your garden at once.
- Helpers can be hired at Arfur's Inn. Select the type of helper you would like to hire, and place the contract in the garden. Once the helper arrives, it will pick up the contract and start working in the garden.
- Helpers will only work part of the day in the garden. The rest of the time they will go home. To increase the amount of time the Helper spends in the garden, you can purchase a Helper House from Willy Builder.
- Helpers will leave the garden if they become unhappy. Getting stuck in the garden, or being whacked with the shovel do not make a Helper happy. Whacking them with your shovel causes chocolate coins to fall out from the helper.
- You can pay Helpers Chocolate coins to increase their happiness. To do so, select the helper and press
to bring up the menu. A new option will be available to give coins to the Helper. Giving a helper 5 or more chocolate coins increases their happiness by approximately 25% of the happiness meter.
- Helpers can be sent home or back to Arfur's Inn. To do so, select the helper and press
to bring up the menu. A new option will be available to dismiss the helper. The helper can be sent home for the day or permanently sacked.
- Helpers will open gates to get through the garden and may allow pinata to get out.
- Naming a helper will earn you an Achievement. To do so, select the helper and press
to bring up the information. Next press
to rename. Enter the new name on the keyboard and select 'Done'.
- Using Helpers is optional, so you can play the game the way that you like.
The Sprinkling will keep your plants watered the appropriate amount.
- First available for hire at Level 10.
- You can hire a Sprinkling for 440 chocolate coins.
- A Sprinkling's work hours are from 6am to 8pm.
- Hiring a Sprinkling will earn you an Achievement.
- Tip: It is best to plant new plants in the morning when a Sprinkling is in the garden. Plants will dry out overnight once the Sprinkling has left to go home.
- Tip: Once the player has the One Pour Wonder Watering Can, the Sprinkling becomes much less useful.
- Tip: Sprinklings become less happy when sprinkled with water.
The Gatherling will sell your produce for you.
- First available for hire at Level 12.
- You can hire a Gatherling for 924 chocolate coins.
- A Gathering's work hours are from 9am to 4pm.
- An unhappy Gatherling will keep a portion of the sale price of the produce for herself.
- Hiring a Gatherling will earn you an Achievement.
- The gatherling can often cause problems by picking up produce that you are growing to attract pinata.
- The gatherling can also cause problems by not picking up produce that you intend to sell.
- Tip: Watering a Gatherling will make it unhappy.
The Weedling keeps the Weeds under control.
- First available for hire at Level 14.
- You can hire a Weedling for 440 chocolate coins.
- A Weedling's work hours are from 8am to 5pm.
- Hiring a Weedling will earn you an Achievement.
- You need to direct Weedlings to one of the weeds that you would like them to destroy.
- Weedlings will kill mature weed plants, leaving the head and any new seeds behind.
- Weedlings will not pickup or destroy weed seeds.
- Tip: Watering a Weedling will make it unhappy.
The Watchling will keep pests (Sours and Ruffians) away from your garden. There is also a Night Watchling available.
- First available for hire at Level 16.
- You can hire a Watchling for 1584 chocolate coins.
- A Watchling's work hours are from 3am to 3pm. A Night Watchling's hours are from 3pm to 3am.
- Hiring a Watchling will earn you an Achievement.
- Hiring a Watchling helps meet the Galagoogoo resident requirements.
- Tip: Sending a Watchling or Night Watchling home for one day will make him happy.
- Tip: Watering a Watchling will increase his happiness. Be aware that watering a Night Watchling will make him unhappy.
- When two Watchlings or Night Watchlings pass each other they start talking to each other but you have to wait untill they pass each other themselfs, directing them to each other wont work
- Warning: Watchlings will scare away visiting pinata.
The Diggerling works in the mine, and will dig up various items for you.
- First available for hire at Level 26.
- You can hire a Diggerling for 2420 chocolate coins.
- A Diggerling's work hours are from 7am to 6pm.
- Hiring a Diggerling will earn you an Achievement.
- For a list of items that a Diggerling may find, see mine.
- Tip: Sending a Diggerling home for one day will make him unhappy.
- Tip: Diggerlings are happier when sprinkled with water
Cut Helpers
Currently, there are three known helpers to never make it into the final version of the game. This includes the Lizard and Bird Experts, and one helper seen in a trailer planting things. While the latter would be described as just a regular helper, it seems as though the other ones would provide hints. Such as the Lizard Experts giving help on things such as a Newtgat or Jameleon, while the Bird Expert may have given advice with a Sparrowmint, or an Eaglair.
Helpers are characters that are available to assist with some of the jobs that keeping a garden entails. You can have up to five helpers active in your garden at once.
- Helpers can be hired at Arfur's Inn. Select the type of helper you would like to hire, and place the contract in the garden. Once the helper arrives, it will pick up the contract and start working in the garden.
- Helpers will only work part of the day in the garden. The rest of the time they will go home. To increase the amount of time the Helper spends in the garden, you can purchase a Helper House from Willy Builder.
- Helpers will leave the garden if they become unhappy. Getting stuck in the garden, or being whacked with the shovel do not make a Helper happy. Whacking them with your shovel causes chocolate coins to fall out from the helper.
- You can pay Helpers Chocolate coins to increase their happiness. To do so, select the helper and press
to bring up the menu. A new option will be available to give coins to the Helper. Giving a helper x or more chocolate coins increases their happiness by approximately xx% of the happiness meter.
- Helpers can be sent home or back to Arfur's Inn. To do so, select the helper and press
to bring up the menu. A new option will be available to dismiss the helper. The helper can be sent home for the day or permanently sacked.
- Helpers will open gates to get through the garden and may allow pinata to get out.
- To name a helper select the helper and press
to bring up the information. Next press
to rename. Enter the new name on the keyboard and select 'Done'.
- Using Helpers is optional, so you can play the game the way that you like.
The Sprinkling will keep your plants watered the appropriate amount.
- First available for hire at Level 16.
- You can hire a Sprinkling for 440 chocolate coins.
- A Sprinkling's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- Tip: It is best to plant new plants in the morning when a Sprinkling is in the garden. Plants will dry out overnight once the Sprinkling has left to go home.
- Tip: Once the player has the One Pour Wonder Watering Can, the Sprinkling becomes much less useful.
- Tip: Sprinklings become less happy when sprinkled with water.
The Gatherling will sell your produce for you.
- First available for hire at Level 21.
- You can hire a Gatherling for xxx chocolate coins.
- A Gathering's work hours are from 9am to 4pm.
- An unhappy Gatherling will keep a portion of the sale price of the produce for herself.
- The gatherling can often cause problems by picking up produce that you are growing to attract pinata.
- The gatherling can also cause problems by not picking up produce that you intend to sell.
- Tip: Watering a Gatherling will make it unhappy.
The Weedling keeps the Weeds under control.
- First available for hire at Level 10.
- You can hire a Weedling for 440 chocolate coins.
- A Weedling's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- You need to direct Weedlings to one of the weeds that you would like them to destroy.
- Weedlings will kill mature weed plants, leaving the head and any new seeds behind.
- Weedlings will not pickup or destroy weed seeds.
- Tip: Watering a Weedling will make it unhappy.
- Tip: You will need to hire a separate Weedling from Arfur's Inn to unblock the Swanana.
The Watchling will keep pests (Sours and Ruffians) away from your garden. There is also a Night Watchling available.
- First available for hire at Level 16.
- You can hire a Watchling for 1584 chocolate coins.
- A Watchling's work hours are from xam to xpm. A Night Watchling's hours are from xpm to xam.
- Hiring a Watchling helps meet the Galagoogoo resident requirements.
- Tip: Sending a Watchling or Night Watchling home for one day will make him happy.
- Tip: Watering a Watchling will increase his happiness. Be aware that watering a Night Watchling will make him unhappy.
- When two Watchlings or Night Watchlings pass each other they start talking to each other but you have to wait untill they pass each other themselfs, directing them to each other wont work
The Diggerling works in the mine, and will dig up various items for you.
- First available for hire at Level 28.
- You can hire a Diggerling for 2,420 chocolate coins.
- A Diggerling's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- For a list of items that a Diggerling may find, see mine.
- Tip: Sending a Diggerling home for one day will make him unhappy.
- Tip: Diggerlings are happier when sprinkled with water
Helpers are characters that are available to assist with some of the jobs that keeping a garden entails. You can have up to five helpers active in your garden at once.
- Helpers can be hired at Arfur's Inn. Select the type of helper you would like to hire, and place the contract in the garden. Once the helper arrives, it will pick up the contract and start working in the garden.
- Helpers will only work part of the day in the garden. The rest of the time they will go home. To increase the amount of time the Helper spends in the garden, you can purchase a Helper House from Willy Builder.
- Helpers will leave the garden if they become unhappy. Getting stuck in the garden, or being whacked with the shovel do not make a Helper happy. Whacking them with your shovel causes chocolate coins to fall out from the helper.
- You can pay Helpers Chocolate coins to increase their happiness. To do so, select the helper and press
to bring up the menu. A new option will be available to give coins to the Helper. Giving a helper x or more chocolate coins increases their happiness by approximately xx% of the happiness meter.
- Helpers can be sent home or back to Arfur's Inn. To do so, select the helper and press
to bring up the menu. A new option will be available to dismiss the helper. The helper can be sent home for the day or permanently sacked.
- Helpers will open gates to get through the garden and may allow pinata to get out.
- To name a helper select the helper and press
to bring up the information. Next press
to rename. Enter the new name on the keyboard and select 'Done'.
- Using Helpers is optional, so you can play the game the way that you like.
The Sprinkling will keep your plants watered the appropriate amount.
- First available for hire at Level xx.
- You can hire a Sprinkling for xxx chocolate coins.
- A Sprinkling's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- Tip: It is best to plant new plants in the morning when a Sprinkling is in the garden. Plants will dry out overnight once the Sprinkling has left to go home.
- Tip: Once the player has the One Pour Wonder Watering Can, the Sprinkling becomes much less useful.
- Tip: Sprinklings become less happy when sprinkled with water.
The Gatherling will sell your produce for you.
- First available for hire at Level xx.
- You can hire a Gatherling for xxx chocolate coins.
- A Gathering's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- An unhappy Gatherling will keep a portion of the sale price of the produce for herself.
- The gatherling can often cause problems by picking up produce that you are growing to attract pinata.
- The gatherling can also cause problems by not picking up produce that you intend to sell.
- Tip: Watering a Gatherling will make it unhappy.
The Weedling keeps the Weeds under control.
- First available for hire at Level xx.
- You can hire a Weedling for xxx chocolate coins.
- A Weedling's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- You need to direct Weedlings to one of the weeds that you would like them to destroy.
- Weedlings will kill mature weed plants, leaving the head and any new seeds behind.
- Weedlings will not pickup or destroy weed seeds.
- Tip: Watering a Weedling will make it unhappy.
The Watchling will keep pests (Sours and Ruffians) away from your garden. There is also a Night Watchling available.
- First available for hire at Level xx.
- You can hire a Watchling for xxxx chocolate coins.
- A Watchling's work hours are from xam to xpm. A Night Watchling's hours are from xpm to xam.
- Hiring a Watchling helps meet the Galagoogoo resident requirements.
- Tip: Sending a Watchling or Night Watchling home for one day will make him happy.
- Tip: Watering a Watchling will increase his happiness. Be aware that watering a Night Watchling will make him unhappy.
- When two Watchlings or Night Watchlings pass each other they start talking to each other but you have to wait untill they pass each other themselfs, directing them to each other wont work
The Diggerling works in the mine, and will dig up various items for you.
- First available for hire at Level xx.
- You can hire a Diggerling for xxxx chocolate coins.
- A Diggerling's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- For a list of items that a Diggerling may find, see mine.
- Tip: Sending a Diggerling home for one day will make him unhappy.
- Tip: Diggerlings are happier when sprinkled with water
Helpers are characters that are available to assist with some of the jobs that keeping a garden entails.
- Helpers will only work part of the day in the garden. The rest of the time they will go home.
- Helpers will leave the garden if they become unhappy. Getting stuck in the garden, or being whacked with the shovel do not make a Helper happy. Whacking them with your shovel causes chocolate coins to fall out from the helper.
- Using Helpers is optional, so you can play the game the way that you like.
The Sprinkling will keep your plants watered the appropriate amount.
- First available for hire at Level 3.
- You can hire a Sprinkling for 400 chocolate coins.
- A Sprinkling's work hours are from xam to xpm.
- Tip: It is best to plant new plants in the morning when a Sprinkling is in the garden. Plants will dry out overnight once the Sprinkling has left to go home.
- Tip: Once the player has the One Pour Wonder Watering Can, the Sprinkling becomes much less useful.
- Tip: Sprinklings become less happy when sprinkled with water.