Piñata Vision barcode/Decoder

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Revision as of 14:46, 26 February 2013 by FeralKitty (talk | contribs) (Host decoder script (and list of barcodes) at GitHub)
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Here is a sample decoder script which might help anyone interested in learning more about the Piñata Vision barcode.

It can recognize most types of data encoded on a Piñata Vision card.

A list of barcodes is also available to go along with the script.

The script is written in Perl. Perl is generally installed on Mac or Linux operating systems, and binaries and documentation are available for many other systems. (If you're looking for a version of Perl for your system, the free ActivePerl Community Edition is recommended.

If you have any questions about the script or the barcode in general, or if you make any barcode discoveries, please feel welcome to share them at the forum. Have fun delving into the secrets of the barcode!

Sample output

% ./pv_decoder.pl < barcodes.txt
02-GoobaaPV.jpg -> 00000/StartOfData 00001/ID: 108 11101/Accessory: 3 items Handlebar Mustache, Conga's Top Hat, Toff Monocle 00111/Name: Bigsheep 01010/Variant: 2 00000/EndOfData
04-HootyfruityPV.jpg -> 00000/StartOfData 00001/ID: 85 11101/Accessory: 3 items Toff Monocle, Handlebar Mustache, Mr. Pants Hat 00111/Name: Monsieur Inspector Res 01010/Variant: 4 00000/EndOfData
07-JeliPV.jpg -> 00000/StartOfData 00001/ID: 134 11101/Accessory: 4 items Ballet Shoes, Pearly Bracelet, Romantic Flower, Bunnycomb Ears 00111/Name: Chief Biscuit Officer 01010/Variant: 3 00000/EndOfData
10-CrowlaPV.jpg -> 00000/StartOfData 00001/ID: 27 11101/Accessory: 2 items Red Non-Resident Scarf, Gold Medal 00111/Name: Dark Heart 00000/EndOfData
17-TigermisuPV.jpg -> 00000/StartOfData 00001/ID: 121 11101/Accessory: 2 items Yee-Haw Boots, Pillager's Helmet 00111/Name: Lord Volcanis 00000/EndOfData
27-GalagoogooPV.jpg -> 00000/StartOfData 00001/ID: 15 00111/Name: Errrm 01001/Wildcard: 3 01010/Variant: 2 00000/EndOfData

Other useful tools

How about encoding data onto a card? A handful of free or low-cost tools already exist which let you easily create your own custom Piñata Vision cards.

If you'd like to write a PV Creator app for Android or Windows Phone, this script (and this wiki's Piñata Vision barcode articles) can help you get started -- encoding is merely decoding in reverse! Decide what data you want to encode on the card, calculate the checksum, obfuscate the data, and display your barcode. (The card generator can even render cards based on barcodes you provide.)

Sample decoder script

The decoder script is hosted at GitHub: github.com/pinatavision/pv-decoder