Category talk:Diurnal

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Revision as of 15:00, 4 September 2006 by FeralKitty (talk | contribs)
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Um, is this really nessacary? Isn't it implied if something is not noctural that it goes around in the day and sleeps at night? If you think it is okay, but I don't -Spartan

My 0.02

I'd agree it might not be necessary, for a couple of reasons:

  • It seems obscure. Most people recognize 'nocturnal' and realize that a few piñata species are such. I don't think most of us mentally categorize the non-nocturnal remainder in a separate category.
  • I think the game/TV show isn't strict about this. For example, you see Les Galagoogoo out in the day, with other piñata, whereas in real-life, the Galago is nocturnal.

I think it's fine to let this remain an unused category for now, so that we can continue to discuss this. Once the game comes out, we'll have hands-on information as to how significant the day-night cycle actually is, and whether we need to make special mention of this or not. --FeralKitty 18:00, 4 September 2006 (EDT)