Langston's Jameleon Cousins
From, the Viva Piñata wiki
"Langston's Jameleon Cousins" is the seventeenth episode of Viva Piñata's second season. It oringally aired in North America on November 3, 2007.
Langston's obnoxious, prankster Cousins come for a holiday visit. Can Langston handle them without looking crazy?
- Franklin: Mondo ride!
- Langston: Time for you weekly candiosity reading, Franklin.
- Franklin: Uh... Dressed like that, shouldn't you be saying trick or treat?
Piñata Species in Episode
- Jameleons are apparently related to Lickatoads and Lackatoads.
- Venezuela, a country in South America, is mentioned
- Halloween is mentioned
- Jameleons can turn invisible