White Flutterscotch

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Base value:600 coins
The Flutterscotch lives in a Butterfly Garden.
Housing cost:330 coins
Romance dance

The Flutterscotch can not resist daisies. A single daisy will make a Flutterscotch appear, a second to visit and two more to become a resident. Now be honest, the Flutterscotch is great, but after a while that white color gets a little boring doesn't it? Don't worry, see Species variants below to see the assortment of beautiful colors the Flutterscotch can turn into! However although they all need to eat a piece of fruit (any fruit) to romance they are different species and can only romance with a Flutterscotch of the same color.


Appear requirements

  • Have 1 daisy in the garden

Visit requirements

  • There are 2 daisies in the garden

Resident requirements

  • Have 4 daisies in the garden

Romance requirements

  • Has eaten any piece of fruit
  • A Flutterscotch house is in the garden.

Species variants

Species variants for the Flutterscotch
Red Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a poppy flower.
Green Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a watercress flower.
Blue Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a bluebell flower.
Pink Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a water lily flower.
Black Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a tulip flower.
Brown Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a bullrush.
Yellow Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a buttercup flower.
Orange Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a bird of paradise flower.
Purple Flutterscotch - Have a White Flutterscotch eat a thistle flower.

Other Information

  • Each color of Flutterscotch is a seperate species, not a variant, and must be treated as such. For example, although all species of Flutterscotch use the same house and have the same romance requirements, when romancing Flutterscotches you must romance two of the same color(species). You can't romance a White Flutterscotch with a Green Flutterscotch, etc.
  • Romancing two Flutterscotches of any color will result in a White Flutterscotch offspring.