Piñata Central

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Revision as of 09:45, 23 November 2006 by FeralKitty (talk | contribs)
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Piñatas start out living the sweet life on Piñata Island filling up with candy and other treats. Once they reach maximum candiosity, piñatas are called to Piñata Central and dispatched from the Piñata Factory via cannoñata to delight fun-lovers everywhere.

Factory requests

Once you become a level 14 gardener, Langston will start issuing factory requests to you for specific species to be sent to parties. If you accept the request, you'll receive a special crate and a generous time-limit to fulfill the request. If you don't have the required species, you can try attracting one to your garden (or hire Gretchen Fetchem to hunt one from the wild, if you've previously had one become a resident).

Sending your pinatas off to parties makes them happier and increases their worth. Your pinata(s) will be returned promptly, repaired and refilled with candy, along with a sprinkling of happy candy for other pinatas to enjoy!