Piñata Vision barcode/Name bits
- Note: Much of this information is out-of-date/wrong, and needs to be updated. (E.g., there is no name length data; the character set is 5 bits (not 7 or based on ASCII); the name data can start in row 1 if no other optional data is present to shift it into row 2.) Refer to the encoded data article for more up-to-date information.
Name data
Based on released GoodVariants and Blackariants cards, encoded names are 3 to 9 characters long, the longest (and only 9-character name) being Francesca.
Other cards with longer names include Uncle Tusk, Fiddy Pence, Maximum Carnage, and Geckiesaurus Rex.
Based on the above names, the name length data is possibly a 5-bit field (0-31, with the likelihood that 0 indicates the absence of a variable-length name field to follow).
From the results of (obfuscation set C) cards that have been decoded so far, it's possible that the name itself may be encoded as (7-bit?) ASCII characters. Other sets need to be checked to verify if punctuation and spaces are likewise encoded as ASCII.
It's uncertain yet if/how accented or multi-byte Unicode characters (e.g., CJK) are encoded.
Location of name length bits
GoodVariants and Blackariants cards encode name length data in row 2, as determined by checking rows 1 and 2 for all obfuscation sets. It's likely that PlaceTag species also have a name length field in row 2, although the lack of specific name data for those cards makes it impossible to verify at this time.
Decoding name length bits
Reading name length data from obfuscation set 2 cards |
% egrep "^[0-9A-F ]{32}2" barcodes.txt | ./barcodetxt2bitdiff.pl --short --namelen | ./reader.pl --namelen | egrep -v " 0 " B._Orchid-Killer_Ins 9 E1E8C94D1D3E907E862310C95B859A62222CE0C6932E80B2 NAMELEN = 1001 9 Christmas-12.25.2008 7 B18177A5BDFE1C9362BF4624050612F2F64D2CA27C7452174ED8F0B56F061703 NAMELEN = 0111 7 Tusk-Killer_Instinct 10 FE35B5B46A03DF5BF736C2C6BF0EED6283CD55C21F0FF2F4 NAMELEN = 1010 10 Black_flyingpig 6 E07B76921B8641D04363E08C768C9702 NAMELEN = 0110 6 Black_horse 3 C02EFAB3FC45C649F29EE298258F17B2 NAMELEN = 0011 3 Black_hydra 4 A2F8D58F59901FDABD68A6388136D502 NAMELEN = 0100 4 Black_lemmingpest 4 D761959578F6492BBD6556381936D202 NAMELEN = 0100 4 Black_snowrabbit 3 E7BCB0A0D0C52D37F283E298458F17B2 NAMELEN = 0011 3 Black_ostrich 4 A2F8D58E5E1BADDA4D6E56389936D6B2 NAMELEN = 0100 4 Black_sandbuzzard 4 CEEE69162D3BB0A4BD6456385936DB82 NAMELEN = 0100 4 Black_sandsnake 3 EE89E1A8D8E56D27F2D5E29D458F37B2 NAMELEN = 0011 3 Good_monkey 4 A2FF7406100E5A12BD69A638992FD482 NAMELEN = 0100 4 Good_pigeon 6 F43E3EF3FC4596B992F2438C990D85F2 NAMELEN = 0110 6 Good_ostrich 4 E4647B3B3B61538FBD60A638592FD482 NAMELEN = 0100 4 Good_ladybird 8 CB7E6A360D0FE2D404C9447C4AABE492 NAMELEN = 1000 8 |
Location of name data
Names appear to be encoded starting in row 2, with longer names continuing on to row 3.
Decoding name data
By decoding the name length field, then decoding the following namelen characters, names can be read from the barcode. (Results stop at 6 characters, due to the lack of enough similarly-obfuscated longer-name cards.)
Reading name data from obfuscation set C cards |
% egrep "^[0-9A-F ]{32}C" barcodes.txt | ./barcodetxt2bitdiff.pl --short --name | ./reader.pl --names Black_bear Maya D772B9106F1F0425945FD4B86C41E59C Namelen = 4 Name = Maya Black_bluebottle Henry C47E77F3EC4596A92754CB15FAFBD6AC Namelen = 5 Name = Henry Black_chameleon Finlay D52CDFF36C4596B930B040B6BFBB599C Namelen = 6 Name = Finlay Black_cow Ellie C94D6E134D0446CCC1802815F8CAC3AC Namelen = 5 Name = Ellie Black_fox Rhys D4FBCA4E0F98F7AE945FD18B2F50D4AC Namelen = 4 Name = Rhys Black_orangebutterfl Benjamin E471793A7872A38F71B6E394DCDEE3BC Namelen = 8 Name = Benjam Black_pony Keira B3F171A0BDFD067335542B15FBEBC7AC Namelen = 5 Name = Keira Black_snailpest Kieran A0FE543F350B5F32144263E69C8B58AC Namelen = 6 Name = Kieran Black_unicorn Francesca BC8174A07DFE06E31098FCBC0C65C0AC Namelen = 9 Name = France Black_whitebutterfly Summer 877DB9204C1A0415909008F68F9B18BC Namelen = 6 Name = Summer Black_penguin Daniel F966D06B27CE517194826266BE9B188C Namelen = 6 Name = Daniel Black_snowtiger Lydia E78CA0A4D3D42F6795B02B15FBF9F3AC Namelen = 5 Name = Lydia Black_sandant Mia 836195952A2BC52BE6769697BF19E6FC Namelen = 3 Name = Mia Good_bat Mia E4653B3B3F14538FE676CF169F09E6FC Namelen = 3 Name = Mia Good_chameleon Amelia F976D2B826EE4A2136B268A68FBBB0BC Namelen = 6 Name = Amelia Good_hydra Jayden D1FBE84E1FC2F7AE308023D28DBA80AC Namelen = 6 Name = Jayden Good_snail Alice D0F8DA0E1630F7AEC1926815FC94F7AC Namelen = 5 Name = Alice Good_vulture Evie 9A586E134D21E62C945FD5B17C41D49C Namelen = 4 Name = Evie Good_armadillo Ethan 86B393A42F2ECD1897913855FD31E78C Namelen = 5 Name = Ethan |
Matching names
The following cards share pinata names, and belong to the same (row 2) obfuscation set.
Cards that also share matching variant data have nearly identical row 2 barcodes, differing in only a few bits.
Bit diff results for same-name, same-variant cards |
3310 Description VPID Barcode row 2 3264 ------------------------------------------------- Good_elephant 38 5168F4494A171D81 0110 0x0026 0b0000000000100110 Good_dragonfly 33 5168F44A4A161D91 1001 0x0021 0b0000000000100001 2100 Description VPID Barcode row 2 4394 ------------------------------------------------- Good_crocodile 26 9A9C55CDE256C006 0000 0x001a 0b0000000000011010 Good_goose 52 9A9C55CDE356E216 1111 0x0034 0b0000000000110100 |
9FBEF59DCF5DD656 8683F11D287FC206 Bunnycomb-TroubleInParadise-BrightPink-(Ava-)PV.jpg (Variant 8) A2F8D48C480E9EFA 8683F11D2DED9606 Buzzenge-TroubleInParadise-Black-Ava-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
97B6A3855B66CF88 5168F4494A171D81 Elephanilla-TroubleInParadise-PaleBlue-(Harley-)PV.jpg (Variant 5) D37649004D560805 5168F44A4A161D91 Dragumfly-TroubleInParadise-PaleBlueRed-(Harley-)PV.jpg (Variant 5) D1EBE85E5810F7AE 5168F4594AA61BF1 Mothdrop-TroubleInParadise-Black-(Harley-)PV.jpg (Variant 15)
Note that the first two cards share the same variant data, and that their row 2 barcodes are nearly identical.
9A586E134C0BCD3C D26B28D7670ED64E Roario-TroubleInParadise-Pink-(Aimee-)PV.jpg (Variant 6) E17EC6B36C459649 D26B68C6F50ED64E Tartridge-TroubleInParadise-Black-Aimee-)PV.jpg (Variant 15)
836195952A2BC52B E6769697BF19E6FC DesertRaisant-TroubleInParadise-Black-Mia-PV.jpg (Variant 15) E4653B3B3F14538F E676CF169F09E6FC Sherbat-TroubleInParadise-Blue-(Mia-)PV.jpg (Variant 2)
DEE66A946C1BE2B4 9A9C55CDE256C006 Cocoadile-TroubleInParadise-Pink-James-PV.jpg (Variant 5) D37248104F172B35 9A9C55CDE356E216 Juicygoose-TroubleInParadise-Purple-James-PV.jpg (Variant 5) D37248104F172B35 9B636492E839E419 Juicygoose-TroubleInParadise-PaleBlue-(James-)PV.jpg (Variant 6) D76195943B0B6A2B AB6364927878B019 Fudgehog-TroubleInParadise-Black-James-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
Again, the first two cards share the same variant data, and their row 2 barcodes are nearly identical.
The third card happens to share a matching pinata name, but its row 2 barcode is obfuscated differently. Although name length does seem to be one factor in row 2 obfuscation set selection, another factor (such as variant bits or GoodVariants ID) may jointly determine how row 2 is obfuscated.
Also notable (but unrelated) is that the row 1 barcodes for the two Juicygoose cards are identical. The cards do share the same species ID (and use cost). It's unknown at this point if the matching names have any influence on the row 1 barcode, but the differing variant data appears to be completely unrelated to row 1.
F94FD444267E40A1 52AD208D61C7E499 ArcticPretztail-TroubleInParadise-Black-Harrison-PV.jpg (Variant 15) 99AD6E134E553CFC 52AD208DE12FC019 Kittyfloss-TroubleInParadise-Orange-Harrison-PV.jpg (Variant 2)
869287B06F67CF08 DE2A7444D91B7EED Polollybear-TroubleInParadise-Black-(Dominic-)PV.jpg (Variant 15) EE89F0A4D3E03D27 DC1AE444D95B2EED Salamango-TroubleInParadise-Pink-(Dominic-)PV.jpg (Variant 5)
A2FF7406100E5A12 BD69A638992FD482 Cinnamonkey-TroubleInParadise-OrangePink-Jake-PV.jpg (Variant 6) A2F8D58F59901FDA BD68A6388136D502 Fourheads-TroubleInParadise-Black-Jake-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
E7B9E1A9B9D52D27 8D16F31B70A46CF5 Mousemallow-TroubleInParadise-Black-(Amber-)PV.jpg (Variant 15) F86279A0C918644D 8812E33B70542DE5 Swanana-TroubleInParadise-White-Amber-PV.jpg (Variant 3)
B3C172A87DF006B3 526C9D234A3758FA Peckanmix-TroubleInParadise-Black-Bethany-PV.jpg (Variant 15) D06E24F3EC4B92B9 526C8E731A3752DA Salamango-TroubleInParadise-Orange-(Bethany-)PV.jpg (Variant 3)
DA7FF9E65C2FF2B4 D700F8B09B18C61D Chocstrich-TroubleInParadise-YellowGreen-(Brooke-)PV.jpg (Variant 8) A2F8D48E506B0EFA FE92F9F01B58C63D Jeli-TroubleInParadise-Black-Brooke-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
E46168786F7EA38F 339DC922C32ED674 Custacean-TroubleInParadise-Green-Joshua-PV.jpg (Variant 2) E78CB1EBDDE07D37 27123900C33E8654 Sweetle-TroubleInParadise-Black-(Joshua-)PV.jpg (Variant 15)
E07B7F521BCC57C0 6078136B46122C81 Buzzlegum-TroubleInParadise-Yellow-(Leon-)PV.jpg (Variant 3) F97FD4A826AE50C1 627810DB56122581 Cluckles-TroubleInParadise-Black-Leon-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
964EFA9F9E5D34B6 A9F37DA3E8732E08 Hootyfruity-TroubleInParadise-Orange-(Oscar-)PV.jpg (Variant 6) C43AC7B7E9449209 A8D27DA3E8730CA8 Shellybean-TroubleInParadise-Black-Oscar-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
BC81EDA03D6E1613 B20530B8D8DF88A3 Pigxie-TroubleInParadise-PaleGreenWhite-Thomas-PV.jpg (Variant 10) F95FD018275E76C1 B22530B0C8DC80E3 SourLimeoceros-TroubleInParadise-Black-Thomas-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
Non-matching names
The following cards belong to the same (row 2) obfuscation set, but have differing pinata names. However, their names are all the same length, raising the possibility that a) there is a length "byte" for the name field, and b) the row 2 obfuscation set selection involves bits from that field.
Obfuscation set 2, 3-character name
E7BCB0A0D0C52D37 F283E298458F17B2 ArcticBunnycomb-TroubleInParadise-Black-(Leo-)PV.jpg (Variant 15) C02EFAB3FC45C649 F29EE298258F17B2 Horstachio-TroubleInParadise-Black-(Kai-)PV.jpg (Variant 15) EE89E1A8D8E56D27 F2D5E29D458F37B2 DesertSyrupent-TroubleInParadise-Black-Ben-PV.jpg (Variant 15)
Obfuscation set 2, 4-character name
E4647B3B3B61538F BD60A638592FD482 Chocstrich-TroubleInParadise-Orange-(Liam-)PV.jpg (Variant 6) CEEE69162D3BB0A4 BD6456385936DB82 DesertBuzzenge-TroubleInParadise-Black-Kyle-PV.jpg (Variant 15) D761959578F6492B BD6556381936D202 SourLemmoning-TroubleInParadise-Black-(Luke-)PV.jpg (Variant 15)
Obfuscation set C, 4-character name
D4FBCA4E0F98F7AE 945FD18B2F50D4AC Pretztail-TroubleInParadise-Black-Rhys-PV.jpg (Variant 15) D772B9106F1F0425 945FD4B86C41E59C Fizzlybear-TroubleInParadise-Black-Maya-PV.jpg (Variant 15) 9A586E134D21E62C 945FD5B17C41D49C Vulchurro-TroubleInParadise-Green-Evie-PV.jpg (Variant 7)
Process of decoding names
Assuming the names are encoded as ASCII, change IDs to match the ASCII value of the name's first character (e.g., Maya, M = 77 decimal).
% egrep "^[0-9A-F ]{32}C" barcodes.txt | ./barcodetxt2bitdiff.pl --short --name=1 Black_bear 77 D772B9106F1F0425945FD4B86C41E59C Character 1 = M (Maya) Black_bluebottle 72 C47E77F3EC4596A92754CB15FAFBD6AC Character 1 = H (Henry) Black_chameleon 70 D52CDFF36C4596B930B040B6BFBB599C Character 1 = F (Finlay) Black_cow 69 C94D6E134D0446CCC1802815F8CAC3AC Character 1 = E (Ellie) Black_fox 82 D4FBCA4E0F98F7AE945FD18B2F50D4AC Character 1 = R (Rhys) Black_orangebutterfl 66 E471793A7872A38F71B6E394DCDEE3BC Character 1 = B (Benjamin) Black_pony 75 B3F171A0BDFD067335542B15FBEBC7AC Character 1 = K (Keira) Black_snailpest 75 A0FE543F350B5F32144263E69C8B58AC Character 1 = K (Kieran) Black_unicorn 70 BC8174A07DFE06E31098FCBC0C65C0AC Character 1 = F (Francesca) Black_whitebutterfly 83 877DB9204C1A0415909008F68F9B18BC Character 1 = S (Summer) Black_penguin 68 F966D06B27CE517194826266BE9B188C Character 1 = D (Daniel) Black_snowtiger 76 E78CA0A4D3D42F6795B02B15FBF9F3AC Character 1 = L (Lydia) Black_sandant 77 836195952A2BC52BE6769697BF19E6FC Character 1 = M (Mia) Good_bat 77 E4653B3B3F14538FE676CF169F09E6FC Character 1 = M (Mia) Good_chameleon 65 F976D2B826EE4A2136B268A68FBBB0BC Character 1 = A (Amelia) Good_hydra 74 D1FBE84E1FC2F7AE308023D28DBA80AC Character 1 = J (Jayden) Good_snail 65 D0F8DA0E1630F7AEC1926815FC94F7AC Character 1 = A (Alice) Good_vulture 69 9A586E134D21E62C945FD5B17C41D49C Character 1 = E (Evie) Good_armadillo 69 86B393A42F2ECD1897913855FD31E78C Character 1 = E (Ethan)
Search within barcode row 2 for obfuscated columns that match values for bits 0-7 of each character. (... = omitted results for column matches)
% egrep "^[0-9A-F ]{32}C" barcodes.txt | ./barcodetxt2bitdiff.pl --short --name=1 | sort --key=3.18 | ./bit_diff.pl --row=2 --bits=0..7 666655555555544444444443333333333222222222111111111100000 Description VPID Barcode row 2 321087654321098765432109876543210986543210987654321098654 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black_unicorn 70 1098FCBC0C65C0AC 000100010011000111111001011110000001000110010111000000010 0x0046 0b0000000001000110 Black_snailpest 75 144263E69C8B58AC 000110001000010011000111110011010011001000101101011000010 0x004b 0b0000000001001011 Black_bluebottle 72 2754CB15FAFBD6AC 001011101010100110010110001010111110101111101111010110010 0x0048 0b0000000001001000 Good_hydra 74 308023D28DBA80AC 001100010000000001000111101001010001011011101010000000010 0x004a 0b0000000001001010 Black_chameleon 70 30B040B6BFBB599C 001100010110000010000001011011010111111011101101011001001 0x0046 0b0000000001000110 Black_pony 75 35542B15FBEBC7AC 001110101010100001010110001010111110111110101111000111010 0x004b 0b0000000001001011 Good_chameleon 65 36B268A68FBBB0BC 001111010110010011010001010011010001111011101110110000011 0x0041 0b0000000001000001 Black_orangebutterfl 66 71B6E394DCDEE3BC 011100110110110111000111001010011011001101111011100011011 0x0042 0b0000000001000010 Black_whitebutterfly 83 909008F68F9B18BC 100100010010000000010001111011010001111001101100011000011 0x0053 0b0000000001010011 Black_fox 82 945FD18B2F50D4AC 100110001011111110100011000101100101110101000011010100010 0x0052 0b0000000001010010 Black_bear 77 945FD4B86C41E59C 100110001011111110101001011100001101000100000111100101001 0x004d 0b0000000001001101 Good_vulture 69 945FD5B17C41D49C 100110001011111110101011011000101111000100000111010100001 0x0045 0b0000000001000101 Black_penguin 68 94826266BE9B188C 100110010000010011000100110011010111101001101100011000000 0x0044 0b0000000001000100 Black_snowtiger 76 95B02B15FBF9F3AC 100110110110000001010110001010111110111111100111110011010 0x004c 0b0000000001001100 Good_armadillo 69 97913855FD31E78C 100111110010001001110000101010111111010011000111100111000 0x0045 0b0000000001000101 Black_cow 69 C1802815F8CAC3AC 110000110000000001010000001010111110001100101011000011010 0x0045 0b0000000001000101 Good_snail 65 C1926815FC94F7AC 110000110010010011010000001010111111001001010011110111010 0x0041 0b0000000001000001 Black_sandant 77 E6769697BF19E6FC 111011001110110100101101001011110111110001100111100110111 0x004d 0b0000000001001101 Good_bat 77 E676CF169F09E6FC 111011001110110110011110001011010011110000100111100110111 0x004d 0b0000000001001101 ID bit 0 to match 0100011010110011111 ... ID bit 1 to match 1101110111000000000 ... (and so on...)
This process can be repeated to look for columns matching (ASCII) values for each succeeding character, although the diminishing number of longer-name cards start to make it difficult or impossible to correctly identify relevant columns.
E.g., obfuscation set C only has 2 cards so far that have names of 7 or more characters:
egrep "^[0-9A-F ]{32}C" barcodes.txt | ./barcodetxt2bitdiff.pl --short --name=7 Black_orangebutterfl 105 E471793A7872A38F71B6E394DCDEE3BC Character 7 = i (Benjamin) Black_unicorn 115 BC8174A07DFE06E31098FCBC0C65C0AC Character 7 = s (Francesca)