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Species Variant food
and varianted pinatas
Wildcards Trick food 1 Trick food 2 House Evolve
Arocknid BluebellSeed, PV JackoLantern, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV bispotti chili PV
ArocknidDesert BluebellSeed, PV JackoLantern, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV
Badgesicle WaterLily, PV bluebell, PV apple, PV PV PV PV fudgehog arocknid PV
Barkbark BananaSplit, PV PoisonIvy, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV Wool Milk PV
Bispotti BluebellSeed, PV watercress, PV bread, PV PV PV PV bluebell HollySeed PV
Bonboon Orchid, PV bluebell, PV BirdOfParadiseSeed, PV PV PV PV Fireweed FireweedSeed PV
Bunnycomb GooseberrySeed, PV pumpkin, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV DandelionSeed dandelion PV
BunnycombArctic GooseberrySeed, PV pumpkin, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV
Buzzenge Medicine, PV BluebellSeed, PV Buttercup, PV PV PV PV WhiteFlutterscotch Taffly PV
BuzzengeDesert Medicine, PV BluebellSeed, PV Buttercup, PV PV PV PV
Buzzlegum Medicine, PV GemTreeSeed, PV VenusPinataTrap, PV PV PV PV Honey Sandwich PV
Camello WaterLilySeed, PV JackoLantern, PV BluebellSeed, PV PV PV PV PalmSeed CactusSeed PV
Candary Bluebell, PV WaterLilySeed, PV GooseberryFool, PV PV PV PV DandelionSeed dandelion PV
Cherrapin Muffin, PV Honey, PV Gooseberry, PV PV PV PV WatercressSeed Watercress PV
Chewnicorn Bluebell, PV Corn, PV WaterLilySeed, PV PV PV PV Orchid Jam PV
Chippopotamus Mushrooms, PV WaterLilySeed, PV Jam, PV PV PV PV WatercressSeed BullrushSeed PV
Choclodocus Ruby Diamond
Chocstrich TigerLily, PV Medicine, PV Muffin, PV PV PV PV Cactus CactusSeed PV
Cinnamonkey BlackberrySeed, PV Chili, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV BananaSplit PeanutButter PV
Cluckles BluebellSeed, PV OakSeed, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV CornSeed Pumpkin PV CactusSeed
Cocoadile ButtercupSeed, PV Bluebell, PV WaterLilySeed, PV PV PV PV PricklyPearSeed Thistle PV
Crowla WaterLily, PV BirdOfParadise, PV BluebellSeed, PV PV PV PV FireweedSeed Fireweed PV
Custacean Orchid, PV Mushrooms, PV Jam, PV PV PV PV WaterLilySeed WaterLily PV
Doenut OakSeed, PV GooseberryFool, PV Corn, PV PV PV PV Blackberry Gooseberry PV FirSeed
Dragonache Acorn Pigxie
Dragumfly BluebellSeed, PV Pumpkin, PV PoisonIvy, PV PV PV PV Taffly WhiteFlutterscotch PV
Eaglair ButtercupSeed, PV BluebellSeed, PV Milk, PV PV PV PV BirdOfParadise Sunflower PV
Elephanilla Poppy, PV Buttercup, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV AppleSeed Apple PV
Fizzlybear SunflowerSeed, PV Carrot, PV WatercressSeed, PV PV PV PV PeanutButter Cinnamonkey PV BlueGem
Flapyak Blueberry, PV Chili, PV Watercress, PV PV PV PV OrangeSeed Orange PV
Fourheads Bluebell, PV Honey, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV Stew Mousemallow PV
Fudgehog Chili, PV BluebellSeed, PV PoisonIvy, PV PV PV PV GarlicSeed Garlic PV Coconut
Galagoogoo Sunflower, PV Bread, PV PoisonIvy, PV PV PV PV Tulip Orchid PV
Geckie Pumpkin, PV Cactus, PV Fireweed, PV PV PV PV Raisant Watercress PV
Goobaa Bluebell, PV Tulip, PV WaterLilySeed, PV PV PV PV Buttercup Daisy PV
Hoghurt Buttercup, PV Tulip, PV Carrot, PV PV PV PV PricklyPear Fireweed PV
Hootyfruity Gooseberry, PV Carrot, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV NightshadeSeed NightshadeBerry PV
HootyfruityArctic Gooseberry, PV Carrot, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV
Horstachio Watercress, PV Bluebell, PV Chili, PV PV PV PV Daisy CarrotCake PV
Jameleon BluebellSeed, PV Orchid, PV CarrotCake, PV PV PV PV Taffly Buzzlegum PV
Jeli Sunflower, PV Medicine, PV Muffin, PV PV PV PV Banana Orchid PV
Juicygoose OakSeed, PV WaterLilySeed, PV Banana, PV PV PV PV Gooseberry GooseberrySeed PV
JuicygooseArctic OakSeed, PV WaterLilySeed, PV Banana, PV PV PV PV
Kittyfloss Medicine, PV Bluebell, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV Bone jelly PV
Lackatoad Bluebell, PV WaterLilySeed, PV BananaSeed, PV PV PV PV NightshadeSeed NightshadeBerry PV
Lemmoning Bluebell, PV Pea, PV TigerLily, PV PV PV PV ThistleSeed Thistle PV
Lickatoad Gooseberry, PV Apple, PV bluebellSeed, PV PV PV PV Poppy Mousemallow PV NightshadeBerry
Limeoceros Cactus, PV Cheese, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV VenusPinataTrapSeed VenusPinataTrap PV
LimeocerosDesert Cactus, PV Cheese, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV
Macaraccoon WaterLilySeed, PV Mushrooms, PV BluebellSeed, PV PV PV PV VenusPinataTrapSeed VenusPinataTrap PV
Mallowolf Blackberry, PV WaterLilySeed, PV BluebellSeed, PV PV PV PV DandelionSeed Dandelion PV
Moojoo Buttercup, PV Watercress, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV SnowdropSeed Snowdrop PV
Moozipan Sandwich, PV BananaSeed, PV SnapdragonSeed, PV PV PV PV Milk Cheese PV
Mothdrop Turnip, PV Daisy, PV Watercress, PV PV PV PV PumpkinSeed Pumpkin PV
Mousemallow Cheese, PV Daisy, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV PoppySeed Poppy PV
Newtgat BirdOfParadise, PV WaterLilySeed, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV Taffly WhiteFlutterscotch PV Chili
Parmadillo Hemlock, PV Medicine, PV Banana, PV PV PV PV PalmSeed Coconut PV
Parrybo VenusPinataTrap, PV Cheese, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV Poppy Candary PV
Peckanmix Wool, PV GooseberryFool, PV Pumpkin, PV PV PV PV Blueberry Watercress PV
Pengum Poppy, PV Turnip, PV Corn, PV PV PV PV Snowdrop Tulip PV
Pieena Blueberry, PV Blackberry, PV Orange, PV PV PV PV Jelly Bone PV
Pigxie BluebellSeed, PV Poppy, PV GooseberryFool, PV PV PV PV RottenChili RottenGooseberry PV
Polollybear Dandelion, PV WaterLily, PV Gooseberry, PV PV PV PV Wool Fir Cone PV
Ponocky Bread, PV WaterLily, PV BluebellSeed, PV PV PV PV Apple ToffeeApple PV
Pretztail Bluebell, PV WaterLily, PV GooseberryFool, PV PV PV PV Carrot CarrotSeed PV Bone
PretztailArctic Bluebell, PV WaterLily, PV GooseberryFool, PV PV PV PV
Profitamole NightshadeSeed, PV Watercress, PV WaterLilySeed, PV PV PV PV ThistleSeed Thistle PV
Pudgeon Bluebell, PV Jam, PV GooseberrySeed, PV PV PV PV Sandwich ToffeeApple PV
Quackberry BluebellSeed, PV WaterLily, PV BirdOfParadiseSeed, PV PV PV PV Sandwich GooseberryFool PV Gooseberry
Raisant Sunflower, PV Blackberry, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV Buttercup ToffeeApple PV
RaisantDesert Sunflower, PV Blackberry, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV
Rashberry WatercressSeed, PV PoppySeed, PV NightshadeBerry, PV PV PV PV Bullrush Acorn PV Cheesecake
Reddhott WaterLily, PV BluebellSeed, PV CarrotCake, PV PV PV PV ChiliSeed FireweedSeed PV
Roario BluebellSeed, PV Medicine, PV SunflowerSeed, PV PV PV PV Pieena Whirlm PV
Robean Carrot, PV GooseberryFool, PV Fireweed, PV PV PV PV HazelnutSeed Hazelnut PV
S\'morepion Milk, PV JackoLantern, PV Cactus, PV PV PV PV Hemlock Toadstool PV
Salamango Banana, PV Gooseberry, PV Milk, PV PV PV PV Chili Fireweed PV
Sarsgorilla Apple, PV PeaSoup, PV Bone, PV PV PV PV Monkeynut BananaSplit PV
Shellybean Gooseberry, PV Corn, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV PoisonIvySeed PoisonIvy PV
Sherbat Chili, PV Sunflower, PV Bluebell, PV PV PV PV DandelionSeed dandelion PV
Smelba Chili, PV Fireweed, PV Jam, PV PV PV PV PoisonIvySeed PoisonIvy PV
Sparrowmint Thistle, PV WaterLily, PV Watercress, PV PV PV PV DaisySeed Daisy PV Dandelion
Squazzil WaterLilySeed, PV Snapdragon, PV Watercress, PV PV PV PV AppleSeed HollySeed PV
Swanana medicine, PV Gooseberry, PV Snapdragon, PV PV PV PV Gooseberry Newtgat PV
Sweetle marmalade, PV Snowdrop, PV WaterLilySeed, PV PV PV PV AppleSeed Carrot PV
Sweetooth Bluebell, PV Sunflower, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV Monkeynut Banana PV
Syrupent BluebellSeed, PV Buttercup, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV TurnipSeed Turnip PV
SyrupentDesert BluebellSeed, PV Buttercup, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV
Taffly PoisonIvy, PV Buttercup, PV BlackberrySeed, PV PV PV PV Bluebell BluebellSeed PV Firebrand
Tartridge Blueberry, PV OrangeSeed, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV RadishSeed Radish PV
Tigermisu WaterLily, PV BananaSplit, PV HorseRadish, PV PV PV PV Hoghurt Flapyak PV
TigermisuArctic WaterLily, PV BananaSplit, PV HorseRadish, PV PV PV PV
Twingersnap SnapdragonSeed, PV Medicine, PV VenusPinataTrap, PV PV PV PV Turnip Stew PV
Vulchurro Bluebell, PV Pea, PV WaterLily, PV PV PV PV Cactus Buzzenge PV
Walrusk Pea, PV Snapdragon, PV Medicine, PV PV PV PV BullrushSeed WatercressSeed PV
Whirlm Turnip, PV WaterLilySeed, PV WatercressSeed, PV PV PV PV ButtercupSeed Buttercup PV
WhiteFlutterscotch PV PV PV Snowdrop BluebellSeed PV Poppy
Zumbug BluebellSeed, PV WaterLilySeed, PV CarrotCake, PV PV PV PV Daisy Blackberry PV