Fudge Match
From PinataIsland.info, the Viva Piñata wiki
"Fudge Match" is the fourteenth episode of Viva Piñata's second season. It is scheduled to air in North America on October 27, 2007.
A new Fudgehog comes in the garden steals all of Fergy's friends! Fergy is in a state of Sadness and Anger. He has to get his friends back! But how to overthrow this amateur....
- All: To Flex Fudgehog!
- Fergy: *Mockingly* To Flex Fudgehog!
- Flex: It should play CDs now. Plus washed windows, fetch a meal, rearrange your furniture and find you a date online!
- Paulie: Flex your the greatest!!
- Flex: *To Les* Bedibadeebobeebeebee.
- Les: *Amazed, jumps on Flex's side* Bribadaburrudah!
Piñata Species in Episode
- Sparrowmint (Robot)
- The competition is called the Party Animals event, hosted by Pecky & Pierre. This episode ise an obvious reference to the video game, Viva Pinata: Party Animals. Please note the large golden Bonboons hovering over the track, with water coming out their mouths, just like the VP/PA splash screen.
- There's an obvious spoof here, Flex can speak Galagoogoo because the voice of Les plays Flex.