Bart's Exchange

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Bart's Exchange is one of the village shops. Bart will open his shop to you when you reach level 9. By purchasing tinker tickets here, you can have Bart transform items for you. Tickets come in different values -- Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The higher the value purchased, the better chance of a tinker being successful. If a tinker fails then you lose the original item.

Ticket Purchase Chance of Success
Bronze 25% Chance
Silver 50% Chance
Gold 100% Chance

Item transformation
Item Transformed into Use Bronze Silver Gold
Apple Toffee apple Horstachio eats to romance. 7 22 75
Banana Banana Split Barkbark and Zumbug eats for a variant, Moozipan eats to romance. 18 54 180
Blackberry Blackberry Jam Zumbug eats to romance, Pudgeon eats for a variant. 7 22 75
Bread Sandwich Swanana eats to become resident, Moozipan eats for a variant. 5 15 50
Carrot Carrot Cake Jameleon and Reddhott eat for a variant, Ponocky eats to romance. 1 4 15
Corn Bread Quackberry eats to become resident, Galagoogoo and Ponocky eat for a variant. 3 9 30
Gem Rainbow Gem Chewnicorn eats to romance. 27 82 275
Gooseberry Gooseberry Fool Candary, Pigxie, and Pretztail eat for a variant. 10 31 105
Honey Bottle of medicine Tames Crowla, Fizzlybear eats to romance, Barkbark, Buzzenge, Buzzlegum, Chippopotamus, Cluckles, Fourheads, Kittyfloss, Roario, Swanana, Sweetooth, Syrupent and Twingersnap eat for pink variants. 75
Monkeynut Peanut Butter Currently has no real use 14 42 140
Pumpkin Jack 'o Lantern Tames Sherbat, Doenut and Arocknid eats for varient. 5 15 50
Milk Cheese Mousemallow and Parrybo eat for a variant.
Toadstool Mushroom Tames Profitamole, Macaraccoon and Chippopatamus eat for a variant.