From PinataIsland.info, the Viva Piñata wiki
You can purchase turnip seeds or turnips from Costolot's General Store, or try talking with Seedos to get a turnip seed.
Surface requirements
- Plant needs to be planted in grass or soil, preferably in a hole.
How best to grow it
Use 3 applications of purple fertilizer immediately after planting it, for maximum effect.
Turnip seed uses
- ???
Turnip uses
- 1 turnip in the garden helps meet the Mousemallow Appear and Visit requirements.
- Eating 1 turnip helps meet the Mousemallow Resident requirement.
- Feeding a turnip to a Whirlm changes its color to a purple variant.
- Feeding a turnip to a Mothdrop helps change its color to a blue/orange variant.
Other information
- A turnip cannot be transformed.