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Revision as of 00:26, 20 April 2008 by Htfrox4ever (talk | contribs)
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Base value:1000 coins
Attack:Car tires
The Fudgehog's house is a hut of leaves.
Housing cost:550 coins
Romance dance
Wildcard Fudgehog
Unique Trait: Lumps all over body

Animbassadors: Fergy, Flex, Francine, and Grandma

Fudgehogs and tarmac, eternally pressed together in the kind of passionate embrace that may remind you of the tragic end of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. This is how they will be remembered, not with a bang but with a squelchy whimper.


Appear requirements

  • 4th night after you take over the garden

Visit requirements

Resident requirements

  • Has eaten 2 Whirlms.
  • Has eaten 1 thistle.

Romance requirements

Species variants

Species variants for the Fudgehog

Feeding it a chili changes its color to red.
Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue.
Feeding it a poison ivy flower changes its color to green.