{{Species2Infobox | title = Fizzlybear | image = bear.jpg | animal = [[Wikipedia:Grizzly Bear|Grizzly Bear | candy = Fizzy | rarity = Uncommon | level = 7 | value = 2800 coins | attack = Jiggies (Puzzle Pieces) | h_title = The Fizzlybear has a beach house. | h_image = Picture 024.jpg | h_cost = 1540 coins | romance_video = | wild_card = WildcardFizzlybear.jpg | wc_title = Unique Trait: Larger Tail }}
Animbassador: Franklin, Florence
Piñata Island tales (and surfboards at the Fizzlybear's house) suggest that it's possible to rouse this species to physical exertion from its usual dawdling. But most of the time, it's just honey and fir cones all the way.
Appear requirements
- You are a level 30 gardener or better
Visit requirements
Resident requirements
- Has eaten 2 jars of honey.
- Has eaten 8 fir cones.
Romance requirements
- Has eaten 2 Raisants
- Has eaten 1 bottle of medicine.
- Have a Fizzlybear house in the garden.
Species variants
Species variants for the Fizzlybear |
Feeding it a sunflower seed changes its color to bright gold. |