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Revision as of 15:46, 6 February 2007 by Kooper127 (talk | contribs)
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Hello, and welcome to my User Page.

To Do List

  • Get more info. on the Polollybear, the Jeli, and the Penguin.
    • This will be a task until they are finally added to the game (if they are).

  • Finish collecting all 60 Pinatas. (12 to go at the moment)

  • Figure out the mystery of why my Dragonache has no mane but the one on the Dragonache page has one.
    • Answer: The long grass one has a mane, but the short grass one has no mane. (fixed Dragonache page to show this)

  • Figure out the mystery of why there is a random saw floating in the water of my garden that wont go away and can't be interacted with.
    • Answer: It was a bug... one of the Pinatas has a saw attack, but not sure witch one. (added to glitches)

  • Sketch some ideas I have of what the Jeli might look like.
    • I have finished 3 but plan to do at least 5. (Will post them soon)

  • Sketch some ideas I have of what the Penguin might look like.
    • About to start first but plan to do at least 5. (Will post when I'm done)

Favorite Piñatas

Top Ten:

Other Cool Pinatas (in no particular order):

That's enough for now I don't feel like listing anymore of 'em.

- Kooper127