User talk:FeralKitty/Reorg

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Revision as of 13:25, 21 August 2008 by FeralKitty (talk | contribs) (Committed xeno's comments)
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Discussing naming conventions

template - cat - contents

  • TIP - Category:Trouble in Paradise - top level stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere i.e. Couch Social and all child cats
    • TIP-species - Category:TIP-species - 2nd level for subcat purposes, could also house every species if we want
      • TIP-species-normal
        • TIP-species-normal-aquatic
        • TIP-species-normal-flying
      • TIP-species-arctic - Category:TIP-species-arctic
      • TIP-species-desert
      • TIP-species-evolved
    • TIP-vegetation - Category:TIP-vegetation
      • TIP-vegetation-flowers
      • TIP-vegetation-bushes
      • TIP-vegetation-trees

stopped there - there will be so many categories... what about instead of breaking it up like that we just include many categories like Aquatic - then we can include plants and species, and they get their own category for terrain, etc? or do you really want categories to be so specific?

so a species could have category:aquatic category:arctic category:tip .... not sure. –xenocidic (talk) 20:05, 21 August 2008 (UTC)