User talk:TheInfinityZero/Rare Pinata Project

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Here is the RPP Talk Page (or atleast for the time). Say whatever you want. Just Edit the page with what you want to say. Please remember to say your UserName:

TheInfinityZero: Hello, all! :)

Pretztailzer: Hey! :) Is this going to be the permanent talk page?I was assuming there would be some sort of Invisionfree forum or something.

TheInfinityZero: Only at the time. When a future option shows it's pretty face, I'll take it.

TheInfinityZero: Well, it's not yet pretty...

Kooper127: Hello, I was wondering if I could join the RPP. I would like to work on getting a Wild-card/Twins/WC-Twins for the Chippopotamus.