
From PinataIsland.info, the Viva Piñata wiki
Revision as of 21:57, 2 March 2007 by Kaya (talk | contribs)
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Animal {{{animal}}}
Candy {{{candy}}}
Level  ???
Base Value {{{value}}}
Attack {{{attack}}}
Housing Cost {{{h_cost}}}


Copy this code and paste it into a new blank page:

<div class="pii_species_content_container"><div class="pii_species_content">

| title = ???
| image = Unknown.png
| animal = ???
| candy = ???
| level = ???
| value = ??? coins
| attack = ???
| h_title = ???
| h_image = Unknown.png
| h_cost = ??? coins

== Requirements == 
<div class="pii_species_requirements">
=== Appear requirements ===

=== Visit requirements ===

=== Resident requirements ===

=== Romance requirements ===

== Species variants ==
{| border="1" class="pii_species_variants"
! '''Species [[variant]]s for the ???'''
| ???

<!-- The ??? is created by feeding ??? to a [[???]]. -->

== Happiness tips ==
<!-- List specific garden objects, piñatas, or actions that increase the species' happiness. -->


== Species conflicts ==
<!-- List species that would eat (or be eaten by) this animal, or would start a fight with this animal. -->


== Other information ==
<!-- List other details not included above, such as effects of accessories, or anything the species produces that can be sold for coins. -->


<div style="clear:both;"></div></div>
<div class="pii_species_sour_content">
== Sour version ==
<!-- Remove this section if this species is not one of the sour species. -->

<div style="clear:both;"></div></div></div>