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Revision as of 09:37, 24 January 2007 by TheInfinityZero (talk | contribs) (O)
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Weclome to the TheInfinityZero's (TIZ) Viva Pinata Homepage.


Gardener Level



The Gardens

Current Gardens

Sonia Lake (I) | Land of the Drenched (III) | The Piñata Forest (IV)

Upcoming Gardens

(un-named Doenut haven) | Progression Garden | (Secret: Project FWC)

Deleted Gardens

Kau Ku Farm (II)

About the Gardens

Sonia Lake

Sonia Lake (SL) was my first Garden.

The homes it contains are: Syrupent Twigersnap Fourhead Helper House Mine Horstachio Roario Galagoogoo

Dragonache --> Sonia (not Matured)

Kau Ku Farm

Kau Ku Farm (KKF) was my second Garden. It had been named by an annoying neighborhood kid, so I deleted it later.

The homes it contained: Barkbark Bunnycomb

Dragonache --> (never had one)

Land of the Drenched

Land of the Drenched (LD) was my third Garden. After deleting KKF, I created this Garden.

The homes it contains: Chippo

Dragonache --> The Drenched (not Mature)

The Piñata Forest

The Piñata Forest was my fourth Garden. I wanted a nice place to have Doenuts and Zumbugs.

The homes it contains: Zumbug Doenut Ellaphinilla Candary

Dragonache --> Lost Wanderer (not Mature)



Title: Rare Pinata Project
About: (visit Wiki)
Status: In motion.


Title: Doenut Wildcard
Link: (none)
About: I'm going for a Wildcard Doenut.

I currently have 0 Doenuts.
I currently have gotten 0 WCs.
I currently have gotten 0 Twins.
I currently have gotten 0 WC-Tiwns
Personal Status: Excited To Start

Status: Soon to start.


Title: (secret)
Link: (none)
About: (secret)
Status: Under preparation.


Title: (secret)
Link: (none)
About: (secret)
Status: Under preparation.