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== Questions for Hey_its_me ==
== Questions for Hey_its_me ==
=== do you have xbox live?===
===Did you leave PIF?===
no i do not.
yes, i did. and i have my reasons. But too much of them.
=== why do use Jack Jameleon in most RPs? ===
because i made Jack when vp first came out. i still remember when i first got him, (thats why he's the only charrie with a birthday) (i made up the year).
=== How exactly is Love Me related? ===
he is my young brother. he was devastated when he learn i had to move to france...
=== Who are your favorite people on Youtube ===
hhmmm... thats hard! i would have to list them
*1. Jibjab 
*2. Smosh 
*3. Flippycat 
*4. JPizzle 
*5. Knoxkorner1
=== what do you look like? ===
http://pinataisland.info/forum/album.php?albumid=402&pictureid=4041 <-- thats me! ( you may notice i look like Anthony Padilla) (and yes the background is photoshoped)
=== Are you married? Do you have kids? ===
Yes im married (to a woman named Jessica for those whos wondering) and and i have a child
=== whats your major in (college)? ===
Art. i LOVE to draw.
=== Is your wife with you? ===
yes she is
=== is the baby a girl or boy? ===
Girl, we finally decided on Alabama to be her name
=== Why in your sig it says "jack is dead to me" in white? ===
because no one is interested in him anymore! i made a group for him but only dragonache12 joined it. and no one is reading the adventures that i putted  (my latest one: "Learning Français")
=== When is the baby due? ===
actually, Alabama was born today! October, 3, 2009! (it took 5 hours)
=== What's the funniest thing that happened between you and Love Me? ===
when i was back in Columbus, we were talking about adjectives, here is how it was:
ME: to make a noun an adjective you need to add -ick -ish -ary to it
HIM: so dairy is in adjective?
ME: yeah, its describing the product
HIM: *in deep thought*
=== what other website are you on? ===
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000400613358&ref=profile#/profile.php?id=100000400613358&v=wall&ref=profile
Myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=50472074
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/luvpinata
Twitter: http://twitter.com/JackJameleon
=== Why do you like Jameleons? ===
Because i like stuff that turn invisible!
=== does your wife watch viva piñata? ===
no she doesnt, all she does is watch me play it
=== wow, your REALLY addicted to Lightning Theif, whachta gonna do about it? ===
im going to hide the name "Grover" in every post i make like how i did just now

Revision as of 02:22, 27 February 2010

About Me

my name is Jake (thats why I named my charrie JACK) i am 26 i live in Lyon, France. i love to paint and model stuff. if you have any questions you can PM me!

Questions for Hey_its_me

Did you leave PIF?

yes, i did. and i have my reasons. But too much of them.