Difference between revisions of "User:FeralKitty/Local/SQLite stuff"

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(New page: sed "s/.040/ /g" < .sqlite_history CREATE TABLE cards (title varchar,type varchar, species varchar, unsupported varchar, sour varchar, date varchar); .separator : .import pass1 cards...)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 20:47, 16 July 2011

sed "s/.040/ /g" < .sqlite_history
(title varchar,type varchar, species varchar, unsupported varchar, sour varchar, date varchar);
.separator :
.import pass1 cards
select * from cards where species = "Arocknid";
select * from cards where unsupported = "U";
select species, count(*) from cards group by species;
select type, count(*) from cards group by type;
select count(*) from cards;
select * from cards order by date desc;
sqlite3 -init create.sql pv.db
-- Loading resources from create.sql
SQLite version 3.6.12
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .separator :
sqlite> .import pass4 cards
sqlite> select count(*) from cards;
sqlite> .quit