Piñata Vision barcode/Encoded data

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Revision as of 07:26, 1 May 2011 by FeralKitty (talk | contribs) (Accessory item values ARE normalized PlaceTag IDs. Correct some sample accessory item values.)
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Encoded data are packed bits of information, such as a piñata's name, its variant color, or the cost to use (scan) the card.

Some of this data is optional. For example, cards that are freely reusable do not have a use cost encoded on the card. Likewise, piñatas that aren't named do not have an encoded name on the card.

Other data only exists on certain types of cards. For example, a date-locked card would have date data. Likewise, a card which wasn't date-locked would not have an encoded date at all.

Organization of encoded data

If a card can contain all different kinds of data (some optional, some not), how does the game recognize what specific type of information is encoded on a particular card?

It does this by encoding the type of data (referred to as the payload type), in addition to the data itself. For example, this illustration shows a card with three types of information -- ID, name, and use cost -- each followed by a value for that particular payload type:

ID Cluckles Name Claudia Use cost 500

Each card, regardless of how little (or how much) is encoded on that card, uses that same payload type:data payload type:data format. The game can easily identify each piece of information on the card, first by examining the payload type (to learn what type of data follows), then processing the payload (the actual encoded data).

Precedence of payload types

Beyond the Start of data and End of data information, it's unknown if the remaining order matters or not.

The general order (for PlaceTag) cards seem to be:

  • Start of data
  • ID
  • Accessory (optional)
  • Start date (optional)
  • End date (optional)
  • Reuse (optional)
  • Name or cost (optional)
  • Wildcard (optional)
  • Variant (optional)
  • End of data

Encoded data

Payload type

Payload type
Optional: No
Parent: N/A
Offset: Varies
Size: 5 bits
See also

The payload type indicates the type of data that immediately follows.

A card can contain several payload types (such as for a pinata that's both a variant and a wildcard).


  • ?


  • ?

The payload type is a 5-bit value.

Payload type Payload size Payload Description
00000 4 0000 End of data. No further encoded data follows.

Remaining bits pad the data to a barcode row boundary. Padding is filled with specific bits copied from the encoded data, to help obscure what little data may be encoded within the last row.

0001 Start of data. This payload marks the start of the encoded data.

It's also found later in certain cards, such as date-locked cards. (They drop a special pinata on that date, or a normal pinata if scanned on any other day. E.g., Start of data, Date, Special pinata, Start of data, Normal pinata, End of data.)

00001 12 ID data

It can also be found later in accessorized (themed) cards, with each successive ID specifying an accessory. Using the 11101 (Accessory) payload type is preferred to this method, as its data takes less space (and also supports encoding accessory colors).

00010 12? Trick stick reskin
00011 12 (Starting) date data
00100 12 (Ending) date data
00111 5+ Name data, variable-length.

Each character in the name takes 5 bits, plus 5 trailing 00000 bits that (NUL) terminate the name, making the payload size 5 x (name length + 1).

01000 24 Gamertag data
01001 2 Wildcard data
01010 4 Variant data
01011 3 ? (3 cards)
10000 ? ? (4 cards - Pester, Pester2, Helpers, Winter)
10001 4 Timewarp data
10010 3 Weather type data
10011 8 Weather duration data
10100 ? Sparse callback data? (Actions like learn/perform trick, unlock art, view tag in journal, view cutscenes)
10110 5 00000 Immediately reusable

Typically encoded on cards from Rare that have no use cost.

00001 Not immediately reusable

Typically encoded on player-created cards (which have a use cost)

11000 10 Use cost data
11001 4? Related to romance music track?
11010 38? Romance music (jukebox) track
11011 ? ? (1 card - Coupon)
11101 16+ Accessory data, variable-length.

Color accessory count, color accessory items, accessory count, accessory items.

Each count is 4 bits. Each color accessory item takes 12 bits (an 8-bit item value followed by a 4-bit color value). Other accessory items take 8 (item) bits.

This makes the total payload size 4 + (12 x color count) + 4 + (8 x count).

Sample encoded data

The encoded data for the 02-GoobaaPV card looks like this:

Payload type Payload
00000 0001 (Start of data)
00001 (ID) 108 (Goobaa)
11101 (Accessory) 3 (items) 43 103 80
00111 (Name) Bigsheep
01010 (Variant) 2
00000 0000 (End of data)

001 PlaceTag


Optional: Yes
Parent: PlaceTag
Offset: 0
Size: Varies
4 + (12 x color count) + 4 + (8 x count)
Color count
Optional: No
Parent: Accessory
Offset: 0
Size: 4 bits
Accessory item 1, 2, 3, ...
Optional: Yes
Parent: Color count
Offset: 0, 12, 24, ...
Size: 8 bits
Color for item 1, 2, 3, ...
Optional: Yes
Parent: Color count
Offset: 8, 20, 32, ...
Size: 4 bits
Optional: No
Parent: Accessory
Offset: 4 + (12 x color count)
Size: 4 bits
Accessory item 4, 5, 6, ...
Optional: Yes
Parent: Count
Offset: 0, 8, 16, ...
Size: 8 bits
See also

The accessory items are normalized 8-bit values which correspond to PlaceTag accessory IDs. (E.g., item 1 is PlaceTag ID 1905, item 2 is 1906, and so on.)


  • Read a count, then read that number of 12- or 8-bit values that follow to determine what (color) accessories a pinata is wearing.


  • ?

A sample of encodings for accessory items. Other item values can be obtained (by subtracting 1904) from the accessory's PlaceTag ID.

Item Description PlaceTag ID
1 Retro Disco Wig 1905
24 Yee-Haw Spurs 1928
91 Reading Glasses 1995
96 Non-Resident Scarf 2000
122 Cook Hat 2026
123 Tail Bow 2027
183 Jokduri 2087
184-255 No such accessory
Color values for accessories with color choices
Value Color Value Color
0 Default1 8 Light Green
1 Red 9 Blue
2 Orange 10 Cyan
3 Yellow 11 Violet
4 Brown 12 Black
5 Pink 13 White
6 Purple 14 ?
7 Green 15 ?

1If an accessory was its default color (or had no color choices), it would be encoded in the second half of the accessory payload, since no 4-bit color value would need to be encoded.

Sample encoded data

Accessory data for a pinata wearing two items (Non-Resident Scarf, and Von Ghoul Helmet):

Color count Count Item 1 Item 2
0 2 96 135

The same items, if the Non-Resident Scarf is red:

Color count Item 1 Item 1 color Count Item 2
1 96 1 1 135


Optional: Yes
Parent: Payload type
Offset: 0
Size: 9
Optional: No
Parent: Date
Offset: 0
Size: 5 bits
Optional: No
Parent: Date
Offset: 5
Size: 4 bits
See also
Payload type

This optional date data is present if the card is date-locked.

Two sets of dates are encoded -- a start date and an end date -- to provide a date-locked interval when the card will scan as a special pinata. Both sets of dates appear to be required, even if the start date and end date are for the same date.

The card appears to scan with options (e.g., name, accessories, wildcard trait, variant color) if the game date is within the date-locked interval, and without options (i.e., a normal pinata) if the game date is outside the date-locked interval.


  •  ?


  • Day is encoded as a 5-bit value from 1 to 31.
  • Month is encoded as a 4-bit value from 1 to 12.


Optional: Yes
Parent: PlaceTag
Offset: 0
Size: Varies
5 x (length + 1)
Name character 1
Optional: No
Parent: Name
Offset: 0
Size: 5 bits
Name character 2
Optional: No
Parent: Name
Offset: 5
Size: 5 bits
Name character 3, 4, 5, ...
Optional: Yes
Parent: Name
Offset: 10, 15, 20, ...
Size: 5 bits
See also

This data is present if the pinata has an encoded name.

Unlike the accessory data, it does not contain a count (length) preceeding the name characters. The name is null-terminated (NUL).


  • ?

The game likely auto-capitalizes the name, by capitalizing the first letter of the name and any letter that follows a space (SP) character.


  • ?

The name character set is 5-bit, with no shift bit to distinguish between upper and lower case.

Char Bits Char Bits Char Bits Char Bits
NUL 00000 G/g 01000 O/o 10000 W/w 11000
SP 00001 H/h 01001 P/p 10001 X/x 11001
A/a 00010 I/i 01010 Q/q 10010 Y/y 11010
B/b 00011 J/j 01011 R/r 10011 Z/z 11011
C/c 00100 K/k 01100 S/s 10100 ? 11100
D/d 00101 L/l 01101 T/t 10101 ? 11101
E/e 00110 M/m 01110 U/u 10110 ? 11110
F/f 00111 N/n 01111 V/v 10111 ? 11111

Use cost

Use cost
Optional: No
Parent: PlaceTag
Offset: 0
Size: 10 bits
Use cost value
Optional: No
Parent: Use cost
Offset: 0
Size: 7 bits
Use cost magnitude
Optional: No
Parent: Use cost
Offset: 7
Size: 3 bits
See also

The use cost holds the cost to scan the card (if the card is not flagged as free to scan).


  • Use the encoded use cost as the cost to scan the card.

To obtain the use cost, multiply the value by the order of magnitude (power of 10). For example, a use cost value of 18 and a use cost magnitude of 2 would be a use cost of 18 x 102 = 18 x 100 = 1800.


  • If the card will have a chocolate coin cost per scan, encode the use cost value and magnitude.

There does seem to be some variance on how a use cost of 1000 is encoded. Some cards have it stored as 100 x 10, while others have it encoded as 10 x 100. It's uncertain whether the representations are interchangeable or not, although a particular representation may affect other fields such as a checksum.


Optional: Yes
Parent: PlaceTag
Offset: 0
Size: 4 bits
See also

This optional variant data is present if the pinata is a variant.

The variant identifies the variant color of the pinata being scanned.


  • Outside of value 15, which is always black, it's not possible to determine whether a value is a specific in-game variant color, or even distinguish between in-game and other variant colors. (E.g., 2 may be a GoodVariants color for one species, but in-game variant color 1 for another species.)


  • Lookup the value for the color to be encoded onto the card.
    • Known GoodVariants have a variant value between 2 and 10 (but values vary between species).
    • In-game variants have a (non-conflicting) variant value between 2 and 9 (and values also vary between species).
    • Known Blackariants have a variant value of 15.
Variant values for the Quackberry
Description Color Encoded value
GoodVariants Orange 2
GoodVariants Red 3
GoodVariants Purple 4
GoodVariants Light blue 5
In-game variant 1 Blue 6
In-game variant 2 Pink 7
In-game variant 3 Orange 8
GoodVariants Light pink 9
Blackariants Black 15
  • Note that GoodVariants colors and in-game variant colors differ (slightly) so Quackberry variant color 2 is not the same orange as Quackberry variant color 8.


Optional: Yes
Parent: PlaceTag
Offset: 0
Size: 2 bits
See also

This optional wildcard data is present if the pinata is a wildcard.

The wildcard identifies the trait of the pinata being scanned.


  •  ?


  • Known wildcards have a trait value between 1 and 3.

100 Reference

Appear Mate subtype

Appear Mate subtype
Optional: No
Parent: Reference (AM)
Offset: 36
Size: 1 bit
See also

The Appear Mate subtype differentiates between View Appear Cutscene and View Mate Cutscene cards (which both share the same card type).


  • If the Appear Mate subtype is 0(?), the card is a View Appear Cutscene card.
  • If the Appear Mate subtype is 1(?), the card is a View Mate Cutscene card.


  •  ?

Journal UnlockArt subtype

Journal UnlockArt subtype
Optional: No
Parent: Reference (JU)
Offset: 45
Size: 1 bit
See also

The Journal UnlockArt subtype differentiates between ViewTagInJournal and UnlockArt cards (which both share the same card type).


  • If the Journal UnlockArt subtype is 0(?), the card is an UnlockArt card.
  • If the Journal UnlockArt subtype is 1(?), the card is a ViewTagInJournal card.


  •  ?

110 Callback

Dinosaur color

Dinosaur color
Optional: No
Parent: Change dinosaur
Offset: 37?
Size: 3 bits?
See also

The dinosaur color identifies what reskin color will be applied to the Choclodocus.


  •  ?


  •  ?
Type Description
000 Color 0 (blue)
001 Color 1 (green)
010 Color 2 (red)
011 Color 3 (black/neon green)

Terrain type

Terrain type
Optional: No
Parent: Terrain
Offset: 37
Size: 3 bits
See also

The terrain type identifies what type of terrain will be applied to the entire garden surface.


  •  ?


  •  ?
Type Description
000 Dirt
001 Grass
010 Long grass
011 Snow
100 Sand

Weather type

Weather type
Optional: No
Parent: Weather
Offset: 37
Size: 3 bits
See also

The weather type identifies what type of weather will go into effect.


  •  ?


  •  ?
Type Description
000 Clear sky
001 Stormy
010 Misty
011 Rainbow
100 Cloudy
  • Weather types 5 through 7 are invalid values.